How to get data back from emberjs controller

59 Views Asked by At

I have a list of routes ()->
@resource 'about'

@resource 'users', ->
    @resource 'repositories', path: '/:user_name/repositories'
    @route 'show', path: '/:user_name'

In my users show template i also have a view

{{#view App.RepositoriesView login=login}}
  <div class="show_repos_control">
      <span>Show Repos</span>

  {{#if reposWasQuery}}
    {{#each repositories}}

with view class

App.RepositoriesView = Ember.View.extend({
  click: function(evt) {
    this.get('controller').send('showRepos', this.get('login'));

view class code process into UsersShowController with code

App.UsersShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  reposWasQuery: false,
      showRepos: function(userName){
          this.set('reposWasQuery', true);
          this.set('repositories', jQuery.getJSON('/users/' + userName + '/repositories'));

Repository's data assigns as excpected, but in my view i can't dispay it. Getting error "#error some number"


There are 1 best solutions below


It is very strange to render a view for a controller and route with an open close block.

using {{render 'repositories' myRepositoriesArray}} instead will do the following:

  1. Render a new Repositories controller with the myRepositoriesArray as your data.
  2. Implicitly create a RepositoriesView.

You would need to put this code:

  <div class="show_repos_control">
      <span>Show Repos</span>

  {{#if reposWasQuery}}
    {{#each repositories}}

In the repositories template.

Ember is build with convention over configuration in mind. You should read up on the render helper and the things ember expects or create for you when rendering a route.