how to get data in a label to be organized into colums

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I am attempting to write a program that will use a post conditional loop. The loop is calculating Celsius to Fahrenheit conversions. I have the equation down but i cannot get the output that way i need it to be. I need to output both temperatures to the same label while keeping the C and F temps in their own organized column. here is a link showing exactly what i am attempting to do:

enter image description here

After that, i need to right justify the table while keeping the C temp data in the same place. I am not sure how to do either of these and apparently after 2 and a half hours of searching on google, it seems google doesnt know either. I am a beginner in C# and i cannot find anything that says how to do this specifically so i can learn to do it myself. Any help will greatly be appreciated. Happy holidays!!!

This is my current code i have, Im still working on it but the data keeps getting bunched together, and i need only to have the words Fahrenheit and Celceius displayed only once at the top

double Celceius=0;
double Fahrenheit;

while (Celceius <= 100)
    Fahrenheit = 32 + (Celceius * 1.8);

    lblOUT.Text += "Celceius"+ "Fahrenheit"+Convert.ToString(Celceius) + Environment.NewLine + Convert.ToString(Fahrenheit);

    Celceius += 5;

There are 1 best solutions below


You can use String.PadLeft function to pad spaces before your Fahrenheit values. You can give maximum length, 3 in your case, to pad necessary spaces. It will only pad spaces if length is smaller. You can check the details on below MSDN link.

Below code will generate the list, but remember to use font which has equal size for each character such as "Courier New"

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double Celceius = 0;
        double Fahrenheit;
        lblOUT.BackColor = Color.Red;

        lblOUT.Text = "Celceius" + "".PadLeft(20) + "Fahrenheit";

        while (Celceius <= 100)

            Fahrenheit = 32 + (Celceius * 1.8);

            lblOUT.Text += Environment.NewLine + Celceius.ToString().PadLeft(8,' ') + "".PadLeft(20) + Fahrenheit.ToString().PadLeft(10,' ');

            Celceius += 5;