How to get information from a checkbox back into the DB in Ruby

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I'm pretty sure I'm being an idiot here, but I've been out of Ruby long enough that my searching isn't coming up with the right answer.

I have a popup with a checkbox. I want, if the user checks the checkbox, to set a flag in the Users table so that the checkbox doesn't come up again.

I already have the code for if the thing is set, the popup doesn't come up. I'm having trouble getting the checkbox state-change back to the DB...

The checkbox code look like this:

    %button.btn.btn-primary.slide_show_next{:type => "button", :data => {:toggle => "modal", :target => "#help_slide_show_2", :dismiss => "modal"}}
{:type => "checkbox", :checked => "checked"}
          Show me this when I view a report.

The relevant coffeeScript is:

$ ->
  if typeof(gon) != 'undefined' && gon.show_help_slide_show == true && document.cookie.indexOf("show-slide-show=false") == -1

  if document.cookie.indexOf("show-slide-show=false") != -1
    $(".show-slideshow-checkbox").attr("checked", false)

  $(".show-slideshow-checkbox").change( (event) ->
    val = $("checked")

    document.cookie = "show-slide-show=#{val}; Path=/;"
    $(".show-slideshow-checkbox").attr("checked", val)

There are 1 best solutions below


Look into form_for. That will help you update the model from the view. The code for a haml form_for is below, and the erb equivalent can be found in the form_for documentation. I find that haml documentation isn't as robust as I'd like for certain syntax questions.

= form_for @user, remote: true do |f|
    = f.label 'checkbox'
    = f.check_box :table_column, autofocus: true
    = f.submit