how to give a bound when traverse infinite map (imap) in Dafny?

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here is an example:

type temporal = imap<int, bool>
type Behavior<S> = imap<int, S>
function stepmap(f:imap<int, bool>):temporal
  ensures  forall i:int :: i in f ==> sat(i, stepmap(f)) == f[i]

predicate sat(s:int, t:temporal)
  s in t && t[s]

function{:opaque} and(x:temporal, y:temporal):temporal
  ensures  forall i:int {:trigger sat(i, and(x, y))} :: sat(i, and(x, y)) == (sat(i, x) && sat(i, y))
  stepmap(imap i :: sat(i, x) && sat(i, y))

function{:opaque} or(x:temporal, y:temporal):temporal
  ensures  forall i:int {:trigger sat(i, or(x, y))} :: sat(i, or(x, y)) == (sat(i, x) || sat(i, y))
  stepmap(imap i :: sat(i, x) || sat(i, y))

the function 'and' and 'or' want to construct a new imap by traversing the element in x and y.

this code works with Dafny versions that are less than 4.0, but for new Dafny version, it show an error "imap comprehensions in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce or compile a bounded set of values for 'i'".

So, how to give a bound when traversing an infinite map?


There are 1 best solutions below


The issue is related to the change in syntax that occurred in Dafny 4.0. The details don't matter so much, but basically you can resolve this in Dafny 4.0+ by using the ghost qualifier:

ghost function{:opaque} and(x:temporal, y:temporal):temporal
ensures ... {

And likewise for or. Note that by marking them as ghost functions you cannot generate executable code for them. However, that might not matter in your setting.