how to implement user model without 3d-party services or ipns?


There are 1 best solutions below


what to use for user identity?

  • peer-id and private-key
  • specifically - of ipfs node - a config json file that node generates
  • running ipfs init /path/to/config allows to create same node with identity
  • it is simple - no need for DIDs - it works as SSH keys


  • program starts with discovery - users need to be able to discover dbs, like we can discover repos on github
  • program creates a public orbitdb database anyone can write to
  • users publish the dbs they want others to see to that list
  • and - when the write they also write name of db
  • if same name - how do we now that this db is actually from owner we expect? by peer-id
  • every message on pubsub - and also orbidb write entries - have peer-id of who posted them
  • so program shows name of db and peer-id of author - this way we know that that record in discovery db is exactly from that peer
  • and - as long as config file with peer-id and private-key is not lost - that person owns that identity

how to add/revoke writes in orbitdb without re-creating new db with new id? without 3d party services or ipns?

  • this is brilliant
  • an owner - always an owner - wants to give/take permissions
  • once owner creates db, program also creates a access-cotrol database - a list simply - with write permissions only to owner
  • other peers clone owner's db - and program also clones access-control db
  • program implements custom access-controller that reads from access-controller db and checks - is peer listed there? then they can write
  • no third party anything needed - all is already done within orbitdb
  • and that access controller list already decentralized and persistent and replicatable

is orbitdb id needed? is orbitb/keystore needed?

  • no
  • if program were to use ObritDBAccessController - where permissions are give by orbitdb id - then yes
  • but it is useless - we can add or revoke
  • and - as said above - the better solution is access-controll-peer-id-list-db that comes with each database
  • and for that - custom access-controller is needed
  • and since we have that - why would we make it use orbitdb identity when peer-id is much better - it is the identity of user, that they can persist and backup and they init ipfs from again
  • one identity - ipfs node config json file with peer-id and private-key