How to initially activate any Web Story in amp-story-player

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Suppose I have 3 Web Stories to embed in a web page and I want multiple Web Stories in a single viewer. I will use

<amp-story-player style="width: 360px; height: 600px;">
    <a href="" style="--story-player-poster: url('');">
        Story 1.
    <a href="" style="--story-player-poster: url('');">
        Story 2 **Want to activate this story initially**
    <a href="" style="--story-player-poster: url('');">
        Story 3

but initially this activates Story 1 when amp-story-player renders on page.

So, Is there any way to initially activate Story 2?

User will swipe to left/right if want to see Story 1/Story 3



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