How to install and configure UMLGRAPH in windows?

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I am trying to install UMLGraph to generate a .dot file from java class. I will be using this .dot file to feed to Graphviz(a PNG class diagram generator) . However, I am facing certian issues while the installation . The official UML installation guide is woefully difficult to understand. Can someone please give manual steps to install and configure UMLGraph for windows ?

I have tried below things on my system :

  1. Installed JAVA JDK and JRE 7 in C:/Program Files.
  2. Downloaded the file from UMLGRAPH DOWNLOADS
  3. Created a new folder : D:/UMLGraph/
  4. Copied the entire "lib" and "bin" folder from the extracted .zip umlgraph file and pasted it in the folder created at step 3.
  5. Now , I changed the path of UMLGRAPH_HOME to = D:/UMLGraph/lib folder as suggested in the official website.
  6. Then I copied my UMLGraph.jar file to the location where I have my java related tools.jar file (at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\lib).
  7. Finally I tried to run the java -jar command as seen in the unofficial umlgraph instruction as belows :

    java -jar C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_80/lib/UmlGraph.jar -all -private

When I ran the above command,I got the error! "Unable to access JARFILE C:/PROGRAM"

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.

UPDATE : Thanks a lot guys. Finally I installed jdk and jre 1.8 . There are no more java issues. I finally ran the below command : C:/Users/xyz > java -jar "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_60/lib/UmlGraph.jar" -all -private "D:/xyz/abcd/uml-parser-test-1/" .

The uml-parser-test-1 contains all about 5 .java files and I wish to create a single UML diagram out of them ( They are all linked to eachother in java code).

When I run above code , I get an error : UMLGRAPH ERROR - ILLEGAL PACKAGE NAME

So my final query is : How canI ask my UMLPARSER to generate a single diagram for all the underlying .java classes within a package ?


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