I want to include date time range picker from this link. I have already installed git gui and node.js.
From the site it says:
- download the files
- Bower
- add "datetimeRangePicker": "latest" to your bower.json file then run bower
- install OR run bower install datetimeRangePicker
- include the files in your app
- range-picker.min.js
- range-picker.less OR range-picker.min.css OR range-picker.css
- include the module in angular (i.e. in app.js) - rgkevin.datetimeRangePicker
See the gh-pages branch, files bower.json and index.html for a full example.
I am new to this and I have never used bower before. How do I install datetimeRangerPicker so I can use it in angular js. I am using Netbeans IDE 8.0.2
After you have added the dependency in your bower.json file, you need to run the following command :
'bower install --save'
After the command is executed, it will download all the dependencies your 'bower_components' folder. You just have to include the 'range-picker.min.js' file in your 'index.html'. Include the module 'rgkevin.datetimeRangePicker' in your app.js
I think this should work.