How to install YaxGUI to work with tideways in Ubuntu?

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I've just installed tideways (fork from xhprof), and found this GUI YaxGUI, the installation steps wasn't clear enough for me.

Install your favourite mix of PHP and web server
Install MySQL server
Clone the project to some folder
Map the sub folder xhprof_html to be accessible over HTTP
Move xhprof_lib/config.sample.php to xhprof_lib/config.php
Edit xhprof_lib/config.php
Update the SQL server configuration
Update the URL of the service (should point to xhprof_html over HTTP)
Update the dot_binary configuration - otherwise no call graphs!
Update the controlIPs variable to enable access.
For a development machine you can set this to false to disable IP checks.
Import the DB schema (it is just 1 table)
See the SQL at xhprof_runs.php
Add a PHP configuration to enable the profiling
If using Apache you can edit your virtual host configuration
Add php_admin_value auto_prepend_file "/path/to/xhprof/external/header.php"
Visit http://your-server/xhprof/xhprof_html/ and be amazed!
To get profiler information showing up there visit your page with a GET variable _profile=1.
For example http://localhost/?_profile=1

I stopped at this point:

Import the DB schema (it is just 1 table)

And don't know what to do next.


There are 1 best solutions below


On the yaxgui project folder you find a folder named utils inside this folder there should be a folder named Db.

Inside the Db folder you will find various database drivers, so you can choose the database connection type you will use (ie: the PDO Driver),choose your driver and open the php file inside it you will find the sql to create the necessary tables to use PDO you need to run this on your database to create the necessary table.

( you find this code in the top of the file Pdo.php )

CREATE TABLE `details` (
     `id` char(17) NOT NULL,
     `url` varchar(255) default NULL,
     `c_url` varchar(255) default NULL,
     `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
     `server name` varchar(64) default NULL,
     `perfdata` MEDIUMBLOB,
     `type` tinyint(4) default NULL,
     `cookie` BLOB,
     `post` BLOB,
     `get` BLOB,
     `pmu` int(11) unsigned default NULL,
     `wt` int(11) unsigned default NULL,
     `cpu` int(11) unsigned default NULL,
     `server_id` char(3) NOT NULL default 't11',
     `aggregateCalls_include` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
     KEY `url` (`url`),
     KEY `c_url` (`c_url`),
     KEY `cpu` (`cpu`),
     KEY `wt` (`wt`),
     KEY `pmu` (`pmu`),
     KEY `timestamp` (`timestamp`)

don't forget to properly edit the xhprof_lib/config.php file with the correct database user and password.