how to list vignettes in a package in a README or related

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In several packages, most recently the matlib package on github,, I have a README.{md,Rmd} file that says something like

A small collection of vignettes is now available. Use browseVignettes("matlib") to see them.

I'd like to replace or add to this in the README with a list of the vignette names and their titles.

The closest I can come to the info I want in the README is the result of > vignette(package= "matlib") that looks like this:

 Vignettes in package ‘matlib’:

 eigen-ex1               Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Properties
                         (source, html)
 eigen-ex2               Eigenvalues: Spectral Decomposition (source,
 det-ex2                 Evaluation of determinants (source, html)
 ginv                    Generalized inverse (source, html)
 gramreg                 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization and Regression
                         (source, html)
 inv-ex1                 Inverse of a matrix (source, html)
 inv-ex2                 Matrix inversion by elementary row operations
                         (source, html)
 det-ex1                 Properties of determinants (source, html)
 linear-equations        Solving Linear Equations (source, html)

But I want to capture the result of this in a chunk or sth I can use directly in the README. If I build the package site with pkgdown, I get the resulting links to vignettes under **Articles*, but I still don't have the list of vignette names and titles as anything I can use directly.


There are 1 best solutions below


For the record, tools::getVignetteInfo() gives me what I want

> vinfo <- tools::getVignetteInfo("ggplot2")

> vinfo
     Package   Dir                            Topic                
[1,] "ggplot2" "C:/R/R-3.6.3/library/ggplot2" "ggplot2-specs"      
[2,] "ggplot2" "C:/R/R-3.6.3/library/ggplot2" "extending-ggplot2"  
[3,] "ggplot2" "C:/R/R-3.6.3/library/ggplot2" "ggplot2-in-packages"
     File                      Title                      
[1,] "ggplot2-specs.Rmd"       "Aesthetic specifications" 
[2,] "extending-ggplot2.Rmd"   "Extending ggplot2"        
[3,] "ggplot2-in-packages.Rmd" "Using ggplot2 in packages"
     R                       PDF                       
[1,] "ggplot2-specs.R"       "ggplot2-specs.html"      
[2,] "extending-ggplot2.R"   "extending-ggplot2.html"  
[3,] "ggplot2-in-packages.R" "ggplot2-in-packages.html"