How to load $templateCache before routes are created in app.config?

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In my AngularJS app, I am trying to create a build using grunt and following plug-ins.

  • grunt-contrib-clean
  • grunt-contrib-requirejs
  • grunt-angular-templates
  • grunt-angular-copy

I am able to successfully create the main.js file with all the Javascript code (controllers etc) and also able to append the partials using ngtemplates to main.js.


      options: {
       append: true, 
       bootstrap:  function(module, script) {
            return 'require([\'angular\', \'app\'], function(angular, app) {[\'$templateCache\', function($templateCache) {' + script + '}]); });';
        cwd:      'app',
        src:      '*/partials/*.html',
        dest:     'build/main.js'

requirejs: {
  compile: {
    options: {
      baseUrl: './app',
      mainConfigFile: "./app/main.js",
      optimize: 'none',
      name: 'main',
      out: "./build/<%= %>.js",
      preserveLicenseComments: false,
          paths: {
          'domReady': 'empty:',
          'angular': 'empty:',
          "uiRouter": 'empty:',
          "ui-grid": 'empty:',
          "ng-dialog": 'empty:',
          "jquery": 'empty:',
          "ui-bootstrap": 'empty:',
          "d3js": 'empty:',
          "nvd3": 'empty:',
          'angular-nvd3': 'empty:',
          'angucomplete-alt': 'empty:',
          'spin': 'empty:',
          'angular-spinner': 'empty:',
          'moment': 'empty:',
          'angular-moment': 'empty:',
          'angular-sanitize': 'empty:',
          'ng-csv': 'empty:',
          'ng-cookies': 'empty:'

In routes.js I have

define(['app'], function(app) {
    'use strict';
    return app.config(function($stateProvider) {
        var routes = [
            state: 'home',
            url: '/home',
            templateUrl: 'app/home/partials/home.html',

                url: route.url,
                // templateUrl: route.templateUrl,
                templateProvider: function($templateCache) {
                    return $templateCache.get(route.templateUrl);

the bootstrap code which was injected by grunt-contrib-requirejs at the end of the build/main.js file.

require(['angular', 'app'], function(angular, app) {['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {  
  'use strict';

    "<div class=\"jumbotron text-center\">\r" +
    "\n" +
    "\t<p>{{message}}</p>\r" +
    "\n" +
}]); });

Now the problem is, the main.js has the bootstrap code at the bottom appended to it. Which puts the templates into $templateCache. But when the application loads, it runs the config code first and then the is called. Which is obvious. Hence, the $templateCache.get() gets undefined values in routes.js.

How can I tackle this problem?


There are 2 best solutions below


Thanks for your answers guys. But I found my mistakes. I made a few changes in current implementation and it started working. I am putting it here so it could be helpful to someone like me in future.

  1. I changed my Gruntfile.js and updated the ngtemplates task to create a stand alone templates.js file instead of appending it into existing main.js. I don't even need the append: false option but keeping it just for sake of it. Also changed the bootstrap: option to use define instead of require

    ngtemplates: {
    options: {
    append: false,
    bootstrap: function(module, script) {
      return 'define([\'angular\', \'app\'], function(angular, app) {[\'$templateCache\', function($templateCache) {' + script + '}]); });';
     app: {
     cwd: 'app',
     src: '*/partials/*.html',
     dest: 'app/templates.js'
  2. I changed my routes.js (inserted below). Added the 'templates' module depenncy so that requirejs would load the templates.js and run it, which will execute the $templateCache.put() code before it comes to return $templateCache.get() line. And by that time the templcateCache will be ready. I also was doing a silly mistake by not using the same KEY to get the template which I was using to putting it in the templateCache. I had an extra app/ in front of the key while trying to pull it back from the templateCache.

    define(['app', 'templates'], function(app) {
      'use strict';
      return app.config(function($stateProvider) {
            var routes = [{
              state: 'home',
              url: '/home',
              templateUrl: 'home/partials/home.html',
              controller: 'homeController'
            $stateProvider.state(route.state, {
              url: route.url,
              // templateUrl: route.templateUrl,
              templateProvider: function($templateCache) {
                return $templateCache.get(route.templateUrl);
              controller: route.controller,
              params: route.params

after these changes, my build folder was ready to be used as expected.


You should use $rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart",function(){}) Event to handle it in run.

And in case of the aungular ui-route.. its $stateChangeStart i think.