How to make LWP and HTML::TableExtract spitting out CSV with Text::CSV

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I am currently working on a little parser.

i have had very good results with the first script! This was able to run great! It fetches the data from the page: (note 6142 records) - But note - the data are not separated, so the subequent work with the data is a bit difficult. Therefore i have a second script - see below!

Note - friends helped me with the both scripts. I need to introduce myself as a true novice who needs help in migration two in one. So, you see, my Perl-knowlgedge is not so elaborated that i am able to do the migration into one on my own! Any and all help would be great!

The first script: a spider and parser: it spits out the data like this:

lfd. Nr. Schul- nummer Schulname Straße PLZ Ort Telefon Fax Schulart Webseite
1 0401 Mädchenrealschule Marienburg, Abenberg, der Diözese Eichstätt Marienburg 1 91183  Abenberg   09178/509210  Realschulen 
2 6581 Volksschule Abenberg (Grundschule) Güssübelstr. 2 91183  Abenberg   09178/215 09178/905060 Volksschulen 
3 6913 Mittelschule Abenberg  Güssübelstr. 2 91183  Abenberg   09178/215 09178/905060 Volksschulen 
4 0402 Johann-Turmair-Realschule Staatliche Realschule Abensberg Stadionstraße 46 93326  Abensberg   09443/9143-0,12,13 09443/914330 Realschulen 

But i need to separate the data: with commas or someting like that!

And i have a second script. This part can do the CSV-formate. i want to ombine it with the spider-logic. But first lets have a look at the first script: with the great spider-logic.

see the code that is appropiate:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use HTML::TableExtract;
    use LWP::Simple;
    use Cwd;
    use POSIX qw(strftime);
    my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new;
    my $total_records = 0;
    my $suchbegriffe = "e";
    my $treffer = 50;
    my $range = 0;
    my $url_to_process = "";
    my $processdir = "processing";
    my $counter = 50;
    my $displaydate = "";
    my $percent = 0;

    chdir $processdir;
    print "\nPress <enter> to continue\n";
    $displaydate = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', localtime);
    open OUTFILE, ">webdata_for_$suchbegriffe\_$displaydate.txt";
    close OUTFILE;
    print "Finished processing $total_records records...\n";
    print "Processed data saved to $ENV{HOME}/$processdir/webdata_for_$suchbegriffe\_$displaydate.txt\n";
    unlink 'processing.html';
    die "\n";

    sub processURL() {
    print "\nProcessing $url_to_process$suchbegriffe&a=$treffer&s=$range\n";
    getstore("$url_to_process$suchbegriffe&a=$treffer&s=$range", 'tempfile.html') or die 'Unable to get page';

       while( <tempfile.html> ) {
          open( FH, "$_" ) or die;
          while( <FH> ) {
             if( $_ =~ /^.*?(Treffer <b>)(d+)( - )(d+)(</b> w+ w+ <b>)(d+).*/ ) {
                $total_records = $6;
                print "Total records to process is $total_records\n";
             close FH;
       unlink 'tempfile.html';

    sub processData() {
       while ( $range <= $total_records) {
          getstore("$url_to_process$suchbegriffe&a=$treffer&s=$range", 'processing.html') or die 'Unable to get page';
          my ($table) = $te->tables;
          for my $row ( $table->rows ) {
             print OUTFILE "@$row\n";
          $| = 1; 
          print "Processed records $range to $counter";
          print "\r";
          $counter = $counter + 50;
          $range = $range + 50;
          $te = HTML::TableExtract->new;

    sub cleanup() {
       for ( @_ ) {
          s/s+/ /g;

    sub workDir() {
    # Use home directory to process data
    chdir or die "$!";
    if ( ! -d $processdir ) {
       mkdir ("$ENV{HOME}/$processdir", 0755) or die "Cannot make directory $processdir: $!";

But as this-above script-unfortunatley does not take care for the separators i have had to take care for a method, that does look for separators. In order to get the data (output) separated.

So with the separation i am able to work with the data - and store it in a mysql-table.. or do something else...So here [below] are the bits - that work out the csv-formate Note - i want to put the code below into the code above - to combine the spider-logic of the above mentioned code with the logic of outputting the data in CSV-formate. where to set in the code Question: can we identify this point to migrate the one into the other... !? That would be amazing... I hope i could make clear what i have in mind...!? Are we able to use the benefits of the both parts (/scripts ) migrating them into one?

So the question is: where to set in with the CSV-Script into the script (above)

use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::TableExtract;
use Text::CSV;

my $html= get '';
$html =~ tr/\r//d;     # strip carriage returns
$html =~ s/&nbsp;/ /g; # expand spaces

my $te = new HTML::TableExtract();

my @cols = qw(

my @fields = qw(

my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1 });

foreach my $ts ($te->table_states) {
    foreach my $row ($ts->rows) {

        #  trim leading/trailing whitespace from base fields
        s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for @$row;

        # load the fields into the hash using a "hash slice"
        my %h;
        @h{@cols} = @$row;

        # derive some fields from base fields, again using a hash slice
        @h{qw/name street postal town/} = split /\n+/, $h{name};
        @h{qw/phone fax/} = split /\n+/, $h{phone};

        #  trim leading/trailing whitespace from derived fields
        s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for @h{qw/name street postal town/};

        print $csv->string, "\n";

The thing is that i have had very good results with the first script! It fetches the data from the page: (note 6142 records) - But note - the data are not separated...!

And i have a second script. This part can do the CSV-formate. i want to combine it with the spider-logic.

where is the part to insert? I look forward to any and all help.

if i have to be more precice - just let me know...


There are 1 best solutions below


Since you have entered a complete script, I'll assume you want critique of the whole thing.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use HTML::TableExtract;
    use LWP::Simple;
    use Cwd;
    use POSIX qw(strftime);
    my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new;

Since you only use $te in one block, why are you declaring and initializing it in this outer scope? The same question applies to most of your variables -- try to declare them in the innermost scope possible.

    my $total_records = 0;
    my $suchbegriffe = "e";
    my $treffer = 50;

In general, english variable names will enable you to collaborate with far more people than german names. I understand german, so I understand the intent of your code, but most of SO doesn't.

    my $range = 0;
    my $url_to_process = "";
    my $processdir = "processing";
    my $counter = 50;
    my $displaydate = "";
    my $percent = 0;


Don't use & to call subs. Just call them with workDir;. It hasn't been necessary to use & since 1994, and it can lead to a nasty gotcha because &callMySub; is a special case which doesn't do what you might think, while callMySub; does the Right Thing.

    chdir $processdir;
    print "\nPress <enter> to continue\n";
    $displaydate = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', localtime);
    open OUTFILE, ">webdata_for_$suchbegriffe\_$displaydate.txt";

Generally lexical filehandles are preferred these days: open my $outfile, ">file"; Also, you should check for errors from open or use autodie; to make open die on failure.

    close OUTFILE;
    print "Finished processing $total_records records...\n";
    print "Processed data saved to $ENV{HOME}/$processdir/webdata_for_$suchbegriffe\_$displaydate.txt\n";
    unlink 'processing.html';
    die "\n";

    sub processURL() {
    print "\nProcessing $url_to_process$suchbegriffe&a=$treffer&s=$range\n";
    getstore("$url_to_process$suchbegriffe&a=$treffer&s=$range", 'tempfile.html') or die 'Unable to get page';

       while( <tempfile.html> ) {
          open( FH, "$_" ) or die;
          while( <FH> ) {
             if( $_ =~ /^.*?(Treffer <b>)(d+)( - )(d+)(</b> w+ w+ <b>)(d+).*/ ) {
                $total_records = $6;
                print "Total records to process is $total_records\n";
             close FH;
       unlink 'tempfile.html';

    sub processData() {
       while ( $range <= $total_records) {
          getstore("$url_to_process$suchbegriffe&a=$treffer&s=$range", 'processing.html') or die 'Unable to get page';
          my ($table) = $te->tables;
          for my $row ( $table->rows ) {
             print OUTFILE "@$row\n";

This is the line to change if you want to put commas in separating your data. Look at the join function, it can do what you want.

          $| = 1; 
          print "Processed records $range to $counter";
          print "\r";
          $counter = $counter + 50;
          $range = $range + 50;
          $te = HTML::TableExtract->new;

It's very strange to initialize $te at the end of the loop instead of the beginning. It's much more idiomatic to declare and initialize $te at the top of the loop.


    sub cleanup() {
       for ( @_ ) {
          s/s+/ /g;

Did you mean s/\s+/ /g;?


    sub workDir() {
    # Use home directory to process data
    chdir or die "$!";
    if ( ! -d $processdir ) {
       mkdir ("$ENV{HOME}/$processdir", 0755) or die "Cannot make directory $processdir: $!";

I haven't commented on your second script; perhaps you should ask it as a separate question.