How to make nested request call in gatling scala

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I was able to call nested request at 2 levels but at third level it does not execute, so is am I doing it correct or not, if not what is correct way to execute nested request on basis of response

Here is my code what I have used

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import{URLDecoder, URLEncoder}
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._

class NestedRequestResoponse extends Simulation {
val scn = scenario("NestedRequestResoponse ")
            .formParam("""userid""", """userName""")
            .formParam("""password""", """password""")
            .formParam("""target""", """""")
            .formParam("""smauthreason""", """""")
            .formParam("""smquerydata""", """""")
            .formParam("""smagentname""", """""")
            .formParam("""postpreservationdata""", """""")
            .formParam("""SMENC""", """""")
            .formParam("""SMLOCALE""", """""")
            .check(currentLocation.transform(s => {
                val locationRegex = """.*/autho/fed/(.*)/.*""".r
                val locationKey = locationRegex findFirstIn s
                URLDecoder.decode(locationKey.get.replace("somepath/to/replace", ""), "UTF-8")
              }).saveAs("redirectURL") )
                http("request_3 ${redirectURL}")
                .check(currentLocation.transform(s => {
                    val locationRegexN = """.*/*/.*""".r
                    val locationKeyN = locationRegexN findFirstIn s
                    URLDecoder.decode(locationKeyN.get, "UTF-8")
                  }).saveAs("pingURL") )
                        http("request_4  ${pingURL}").get("${pingURL}").check(

So here I'm unable to execute "request_4", please suggest me right way of doing it.


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