how to mock $state.params in jasmine unit testing

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I have the following controller EditMeetingCtrl.js

(function() {
    'use strict';

        .controller('EditMeetingCtrl', EditMeetingCtrl);

    EditMeetingCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$state', '$http', '$translate',
        'meetingService', 'companyService', 'notificationService', 'meeting'];

function EditMeetingCtrl($rootScope, $scope, $state, $http, $translate, meetingService, companyService, notificationService, meeting) {
        $scope.meeting = meeting;

        $scope.companyId = $state.params.companyId;
        $ = save;

        function save() {
            $scope.buttonDisable = true;
            meetingService.saveMeeting($state.params.companyId, $state.params.meetingId, $scope.meeting)
                .success(function(meetingId) {
                   //more code


EditMeetingCtrlSpec.js test case

describe('in EditMeetingCtrl', function () {

    var companyService , meetingService ;

    meetingId = 123321 ;                      
    companyId = 456654 ;
    meetingObj = {} ;

    var fakeHttpPromise = {
                            success: function() {}


    beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(function (_$httpBackend_, _companyService_ , _meetingService_) {
        $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
        companyService = _companyService_;
        meetingService = _meetingService_ ;

    describe('', function () {
        var $rootScope, scope, $controller , $q  ;

        beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller , _meetingService_ ) {
            scope = $rootScope.$new();
            createController = function() {
                return $controller('EditMeetingCtrl', {
                $scope: scope,
                meeting : {} ,
                meetingService : _meetingService_
            var controller = new createController();

        it("should save the meeting object", function() {
            spyOn(meetingService, 'saveMeeting').and.returnValue(fakeHttpPromise);
            expect(meetingService.saveMeeting).toHaveBeenCalledWith( meetingId , companyId , meetingObj);



When try to run the below test casse EditMeetingCtrlSpec.js i got the following test failure

PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 8) EditMeetingCtrl Spying --> should save the meeting FAILED
        Expected spy saveMeeting to have been called with [ 123321, 456654, Object({  }) ] but actual calls were [ undef
ined, undefined, Object({  }) ].

So the way understand my this problem , the service call for save() method contains $state.params.companyId, $state.params.meetingId parameters and it sends an undefined values when the service call get invoked . therefore i need to mock the the $state.params . Not sure how to do it .can anyone point me in the right direction ?

EDIT after Michael Radionov Answer

describe('', function () {
        var $rootScope, scope, $controller , $q  , $state ;

        beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller , $state , _meetingService_ ) {
            scope = $rootScope.$new();
            createController = function() {
                return $controller('EditMeetingCtrl', {
                $scope: scope,
                meeting : {} ,
                meetingService : _meetingService_
            var controller = new createController();

        it("should save the meeting", function() {
            $state.params = { companyId: 123, meetingId: 567 };
            spyOn(meetingService, 'saveMeeting').and.returnValue(fakeHttpPromise);
            //expect(meetingService.saveMeeting).toHaveBeenCalledWith( meetingId , companyId , meetingObj);


I have done the above, but i get the following error saying $state is not defined .

Firefox 38.0.0 (Windows 8.1) In EditMeetingCtrl should save the meeting FAILED
        TypeError: $state is undefined in C:/Users/sal/Documents/myApp/test/meeting/EditMe
etingCtrlSpec.js (line 80)

I assumed this happened because i did not do this -> $state : state in the inject method, so i tried doing that too but got the same error . what am i missing here ?


There are 1 best solutions below


You can mock the entire $state provider and then specify exactly what values do you want to be in the params property before calling save:

describe('in EditMeetingCtrl', function () {

    // ...

    beforeEach(angular.mock.module(function ($provide) {

        // mock the entire $state provider
        $provide.provider('$state', function () {
            return {
                $get: function () {
                    return {
                        // by default it will be an empty object
                        params: {}


    // ....

    describe('', function () {

        // inject mocked $state - one that you've provided above

        var $rootScope, scope, $controller, $q, state;
        // ---------------------------------------^^^

        beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, $state, _meetingService) {
            // ------------------------------------------------^^^
            state = $state;

        // ...

        it("should save the meeting object", function() {

            // provide custom params which will be used in a call
            state.params = { companyId: 123, meetingId: 567 };

            spyOn(meetingService, 'saveMeeting').and.returnValue(fakeHttpPromise);
            expect(meetingService.saveMeeting).toHaveBeenCalledWith( meetingId , companyId , meetingObj);

    // ...
