How to overlay contour plots on colormaps in gnuplot?

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I'm trying to create a colormap plot of datasetA with a contour plot of datasetB, both of which are read in from files.

The following successfully creates a colormap of datasetA:

plot 'valuesA.dat' matrix with image

I can draw contours as described here.

How can I combine the two plots?

Thanks in advance!


There are 2 best solutions below


To answer the question, this is addressed at gnuplot tricks.


Here's how I ended up doing it for an array of size 512x512 (for example). Suppose I have a datafile A.dat which is to be used for the colormap and B.dat for the contours.

  • Create a table from B.dat containing the contour data and save it to a temporary file temp.dat.
  • Plot the colormap using A.dat and plot the contour lines from the temp file temp.dat in a single command.

Here's my code (simplified somewhat for clarity):

# Set initial state
set term X11
set palette @MATLAB    # see

# Create a file for contour data
set contour base
set cntrparam levels 25
set isosample 250,250
unset surface
set table "temp.dat"
splot "B.dat" binary array=512x512 format='%double'
unset table

# Plot the final results
set title "Contours and Colormap"
set size square
unset key
set xtics ('0' 0, '0.5' 255, '1.0' 511)   # Change these according to your dimensions
set ytics ('0' 0, '0.5' 255, '1.0' 511)   # Change these according to your dimensions

set cbrange [0.0:1.0]
set xlabel "X (scaled by height)"
set ylabel "Z (scaled by height)"

set terminal png
set output "output.png"
plot "A.dat" binary array=512x512 format='%double' with image, "temp.dat" with lines lt -1

To see what it looks like, I ended up using a scripted version of that code to produce this movie (and others) for my research!