How to pass a SwiftUI View into a class as a property? (AlertPresenter)

190 Views Asked by At

I am trying to create an alert presenter to control alerts using SwiftUI.

The goal is to use a simple top level function to present an alert.

The following is my code:

First, create an AlertPresenter which has a present and dismiss alert function.

class AlertPresenter: ObservableObject{
    @Published var tittle: String
    @Published var isPresented: Bool
    @Published var action: //Issue: I want to pass a view in this property, a optional View will be better
    @Published var message: //Issue: I want to pass a view in this property

    init() {
        self.tittle = ""
        self.isPresented = false
        self.action = EmptyView()
        self.message = EmptyView()

    //Issue: I want to pass SwiftUI View as a function parameter
    func present(tittle: String, message: String, action: @escaping () -> View, message: @escaping () -> View){
        self.tittle = tittle
        self.isPresented = true
        self.action = action
        self.message = message

    func dismiss(){
        self.tittle = ""
        self.isPresented = false
        self.action = EmptyView()
        self.message = EmptyView()

We create the AlertPresenter, and pass it as an EnvironmentObject, and then connect the AlertPresenter with the parent view

struct ParentView: View{

    @EnvironmentObject var alertPresenter: AlertPresenter = AlertPresenter()

    var body: some View{
            .alert(tittle: alertPresenter.tittle, isPresented: $alertPresenter.isPresented){
            } message: {    
            } //this function is alert(_:isPresented:actions:message:) available from iOS15.0+


At the end, I want to use a simple top level function to present and dismiss an alert:

Button("Present Alert"){
    alertPresenter.present(tittle: "This is the alert tittle"){
            //dismiss alert
    } message: {
        Text("This is the alert message")

Thanks :)


There are 1 best solutions below


What you CAN do is reduce the inputs to strings to display (which obviously reduces the flexibility):

class AlertPresenter: ObservableObject {
    @Published var title: String
    @Published var isPresented: Bool
    @Published var buttonTitle: String
    @Published var message: String

    init() {
        self.title = ""
        self.isPresented = false
        self.buttonTitle = "OK"
        self.message =  ""

    func present(title: String, buttonTitle: String, message: String) {
        self.title = title
        self.isPresented = true
        self.buttonTitle = buttonTitle
        self.message = message

    func dismiss(){
        self.title = ""
        self.isPresented = false
        self.buttonTitle = "OK"
        self.message =  ""

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var alertPresenter = AlertPresenter()

    var body: some View{
            .alert(alertPresenter.title, isPresented: $alertPresenter.isPresented) {
                Button(alertPresenter.buttonTitle) { alertPresenter.dismiss() }
            } message: {
            } //this function is alert(_:isPresented:actions:message:) available from iOS15.0+

struct ChildView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var alertPresenter: AlertPresenter

    var body: some View{
        Button("Present Alert"){
            alertPresenter.present(title: "This is the alert title", buttonTitle: "Continue", message: "This is the alert message")