How to pass data from one component to another component in flex

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I have one class named as EmployeeResult where I am getting the response from the service. Inside the resulthandler I am getting an array of employees like name, id, age etc. I have one dataGrid inside the employeeView.mxml file. Inside the employeeView.mxml file I have an ArrayCollection which is the dataprovider to the datagrid. I want to update that arraycollection from inside the EmployeeResult file. When working with Cairngorm framework I have used the arraycollection inside the singleton to achieve the goal. In case of mate framework I have used the propertyinjector tags. But how do I achieve this objective in my case without any framework. How to achieve property injection without using ane framework or singleton class.


There are 2 best solutions below


Continuing on your previous question: How to listen to events inside the child component dispatched by the parent component, you can simply dispatch a custom event containing that list of employees and notify the entire application of its arrival.

Something like this:

private function handleMyEmployeeResults(event:ResultEvent):void {
    var employees:IList = EmployeeResult(event.result).employeeList;
    dispatchEvent(new EmployeeEvent(EmployeeEvent.LIST_LOADED, employees, true));

Since this is a service result handler, we may assume that its class instance is not a view and hence it is not on the display list, which is why the event can't bubble. To address this we can dispatch the event directly on the stage.

    new EmployeeEvent(EmployeeEvent.LIST_LOADED, employees)

Any view in your application can now listen for this event and set its properties accordingly:

//inside View1
stage.addEventListener(EmployeeEvent.LIST_LOADED, handleEmployeesLoaded);

private function handleEmployeesLoaded(event:EmployeeEvent):void {
    myDataGrid.dataProvider = event.employees;

//inside View2
stage.addEventListener(EmployeeEvent.LIST_LOADED, handleEmployeesLoaded);

private function handleEmployeesLoaded(event:EmployeeEvent):void {
    myOtherKindOfList.dataProvider = event.employees;
    myFirstEmployeeLabel.text = 
        event.employees[0].firstname + event.employees[0].lastname;

Another more straightforward approach is to use your Application as a singleton. Create a bindable property employeeList on your main application. Now set its value when the results come in:

private function handleMyEmployeeResults(event:ResultEvent):void {
    var employees:IList = EmployeeResult(event.result).employeeList;
    FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.employeeList = employees;

Now you can bind to this property from anywhere in your application.

    <s:DataGrid dataProvider="{FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.employeeList}" />

    <s:List dataProvider="{FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.employeeList}" />

Though this approach has the merit of being very easy to implement, it has all the downsides of a Singleton (e.g. poorly testable).


Given the types of questions you've been asking, you really should be considering a Framework such as Robotlegs or Mate. They give you the tools to wire your application together without horrible hacks that will limit your flexibility or complicate maintenance long-term.

Check out my previous answer here for links to the same project done without a framework, with Mate, and with Robotlegs.