How to prevent Protractor/Jasmine tests from pausing during execution

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So every once in a while, it's honestly hard to if there's a true cause or if this is kind of random, my protractor E2E tests "pause" in execution and in order to "resume" them I have to hit enter in console.

Am I missing a configuration property maybe, or is this just kind of a thing?

If you'd like to see my current config file please just ask, it's a little lengthy so I would like to hold off unless needed. Wasn't sure if this was a common thing or if there would be an 'off the top of your head' solution.

Running latest version at the time of this post of webdrivers, protractor, and jasmine.

UPDATE (As per comment below):

onPrepare: function () {
    global.driver = browser.driver;
    browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;

    browser.getCapabilities().then(function (caps) {
        if (caps.get('browserName').toLowerCase() == 'chrome' || caps.get('browserName').toLowerCase() == 'firefox' || caps.get('browserName').toLowerCase() == 'microsoftedge') {
            console.log('Chrome, FF, or Edge: skipping browser maximize'); 
        else {
            console.log('FF or IE, using maximize function');
            var width = 800;
            var height = 600;
            browser.driver.manage().window().setSize(width, height);


I had to use a hacky way to maximize the browser since each browser reacted differently. So that's the conditional stuff in the on prepare.

At time of the pause: enter image description here

Immediately hitting enter quickly runs through the entire spec: enter image description here


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