How to programmatically define targets in GNU Make?

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I am not aware of any way to define programatically targets in GNU Make. How is this possible?

Sometimes one can go away with alternate methods. The ability to define programatically targets in Makefiles is however a very important to write and organise complex production rules with make. Examples of complex production rules are found in the build system of FreeBSD or in Makefile libraries such as BSD Owl

The main differences between shell scripts and Makefiles are:

  • In a Makefile, the state of the program is given by the command line and the filesystem, so it is possible to resume a job after it has been interrupted. Of course, this requires to properly write the Makefiles, but even if this is rather hard, it is considerably easier than to achieve a similar effect with a shell script.

  • In a Makefile, it is ridiculously easy to decorate a procedure with advises or decorate it with hooks, while this is essentially impossible in shell scripts.

For instance, a very simple and useful pattern is the following:

build: pre-build
build: do-build
build: post-build

This presents the build target as a composite of three targets, one containing the actual instructions do-build and two other that are hooks, executed before and after do-build. This pattern is used by many build systems written for BSD Make, which incidentally allows programmatic definition of targets, so that one can write in a batch:

.for _target in configure build test install
.if !target(${_target})
${_target}: pre-${_target}
${_target}: do-${_target}
${_target}: post-${_target}

The condition introduced by the .if/.endif block enables the user to use its own definition of any ${_target}.

What would be the translation of that snippet for GNU Make?


There are 2 best solutions below


FWIW here is the make equivalent syntax for

.for _target in configure build test install
.if !target(${_target})
${_target}: pre-${_target}
${_target}: do-${_target}
${_target}: post-${_target}

Basically, you want make to see something like this snippet:

build: pre-build
build: do-build
build: post-build

and similarly for configure, test and install. This suggests a loop with an eval somewhere:

define makerule =
  $1: pre-$1
  $1: do-$1
  $1: post-$1

targets := configure build test install

$(foreach _,${targets},$(eval $(call makerule,$_)))

(to play with this, change eval to info). Careful with those closures!

FWIW, here's the expansion of the foreach:

  • make expands the list to be iterated over
    • ${targets} becomes configure, build, test and install
    • We have $(foreach _,configure build test install,$(eval $(call makerule,$_)))
  • _ is set to the first value, configure.
  • make expands $(eval $(call makerule,configure))
  • To evaluate the eval, make expands $(call makerule,configure)
    • It does this by setting 1 to configure, and expanding ${makerule} which produces 3 lines of text:
      configure: pre-configure
      configure: do-configure
      configure: post-configure
  • $(eval) goes to work, reading this text as make syntax
  • Note that the expansion of the $(eval) is empty! All its work is done as a side effect. Wash, lather, rinse, repeat.

Please note: I have to agree with all the other commenters: your pattern is bad make. If your makefile is not -j safe, then it is broken (missing dependencies).


First this structure is invalid if you ever want to support parallel builds; if you invoke make with the -j option it will run all three prerequisite rules at the same time, because while all of them must be complete before build, none of them depend on each other so there's no ordering defined (that is, you don't say that pre-build must be complete before do-build can run).

Second, GNU make has a number of facilities for programmatically defining rules. One thing GNU make does not have, currently, is the ability to search the targets which are already defined, so there's no direct analogy to .if !target(...).

However, you CAN search whether a variable has been defined or not using the .VARIABLES variable. So one workaround would be to define a variable if you want your own target and then have your rule generator check that.