How to proper use Flysystem and Local Adapter

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Since I couldn’t find a proper documentation and examples for flysystem, I am asking you for help. Currently I am developing a plugin (for Shopware 6), and I am using some sources that are stored inside my plugin (such as pictures, and csv files).
The structure looks like this

|-- custom
   |-- plugins
       |-- ImporterPlugin
          |-- src
            |-- Adapter
              |-- CsvImportAdapter.php
              |-- ImportAdapterInterface.php
            |-- Command
              |-- ImportCommand.php
            |-- Factory
              |-- AdapterFactory.php
            |-- Resources
            |-- Service
            |-- ImporterPlugin.php
          |-- upload
            |-- product.csv
            |-- media
              |-- Image1.jpg

Inside .env I wrote the file paths that I need



My question is, how can I implement Local Adapter (Flysystem)? And where to call functions / methods? The functionality of the plugin is mainly called in command line. Please provide some examples. Thanks


There are 1 best solutions below


In your services.xml of your plugin you can use the FileSystemFactory and a collection of arguments to define your filesystem abstraction.

<service class="League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface" id="importer_plugin.filesystem.private" public="true">
    <factory service="Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Filesystem\FilesystemFactory" method="factory"/>
    <argument type="collection">
        <argument key="type">local</argument>
        <argument key="config" type="collection">
            <argument key="root">%kernel.plugin_dir%/ImporterPlugin/upload</argument>

You can then inject importer_plugin.filesystem.private into your other services and work with the filesystem abstraction rooted in the upload directory.

public function __construct(FilesystemInterface $filesystem)
    $this->filesystem = $filesystem;

// ...

$products = $this->filesystem->read('products.csv');