How to properly connect steps with a puppet bolt plan (yaml format)

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I am creating a puppet bolt plan to install docker on 4 hosts, enable swarm on the first host, and then add the other 3 hosts to that swarm.

My issue is I do not know how to save this section of the yaml to a variable.

    - command: docker swarm init
      targets: $firstmanagementnode

Which I need because the output contains a key to allow other hosts to join the swarm later on in the plan

There is an example in Puppet's documentation below, but honestly I can make heads or tails of it

  - name: hostnames
    command: hostname -f
    targets: $targets
  - task: echo
      message: $ |$hostname_result| { $hostname_result['stdout'] }.join(',')

I was able to solve my problem with the yaml and task below:


  - name: initswarm
    command: docker swarm init
    targets: $firstmanagementnode
  - name: managertoken
    command: docker swarm join-token manager
    targets: $firstmanagementnode
  - name: managersjoin
    task: docker_swarm::joinswarm
    targets: $managernodes
      masternode: $ |$token_result| { $token_result['stdout'] }.join(',')
    description: configure additional manager nodes



$(echo $PT_masternode | grep -o 'docker.*2377')

task json:

    "description": "joins a docker swarm",
    "input_method": "both",
    "parameters": {
        "masternode": {
            "description": "The first master node",
            "type": "String"

There are 1 best solutions below


Have you tried looking at the Docker module on the forge

A lot of the work you're trying to do has already been done as stand alone tasks and you probably just need to wrap this into a plan.

Take a look at the tasks here the .rb files is the code and the .json is effectively the man page, if you pull this module onto you're Bolt server you'll be able to run a bolt task show docker::swarm_join to get more info.

The tasks here initialise the swarm, there is another task called swarm_token that'll return your token to be used in a plan and pass into swarm_join.

There isn't a task to install docker but all you'd need to do in your plan would be to add include docker at the start of you're plan.