How to purchase consumables with RevenueCat?

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I am having difficulty in the logic for making a consumable purchase. Basically I am not sure how to proceed with this function:

private var item: Purchases.Package? {
Purchases.shared.products([""]) { products in
    guard let item = products.first else { return }
    Purchases.shared.purchaseProduct(item) { transaction, purchaserInfo, error, cancelled in
    // enable some stuff in the app
public class Items: ObservableObject {
    public static let shared = Items()
    @Published public var item: Purchases.Package?
    init() {
        Purchases.shared.products([""]) { products in
            self.item = products.first

If I try to initialise like above, it complains that it is a SKProduct?, and cannot be assigned to Purchases.Package?.


There are 1 best solutions below


It looks like you're fetching an Apple SKProduct and trying to assign it to a RevenueCat Package.

You can call the .purchase() method directly with the SKProduct.

// when your paywall is displayed (or earlier to preload)
var consumableProduct : SKProduct?
Purchases.shared.products([""]) { (products) in
    consumableProduct = products.first

// when the user taps the 'Buy' button
guard let product = consumableProduct else {
    return print("Error: No product exists")
Purchases.shared.purchaseProduct(product) { (transaction, purchaserInfo, error, userCancelled) in
    // handle purchase

Recommended Approach

It's recommended to use RevenueCat Offerings/Packages since you wouldn't need to hardcode specific product IDs (e.g. "") in your app and you can update things remotely.

// Offerings are automatically pre-loaded by RevenueCat so
// this should read very quickly from cache
var offering : Purchases.Offering?
Purchases.shared.offerings { (offerings, error) in
    // Add any error handling here
    offering = offerings?.current

// when the user taps the 'Buy' button

// this assumes your paywall only has one item to purchase.
// you may have a dynamic tableview of items and use `indexPath.row` instead of `first`.
guard let package = offering?.availablePackages.first else {
    print("No available package")
Purchases.shared.purchasePackage(package) { (trans, info, error, cancelled) in
    // handle purchase