I need to read files from Azure Data Lake and I have to display those files in Angular-2 Component. but i am getting only file properties from Azure Data Lake while using List File Status() method. but i need the file with content. how to read all the files with contents from azure Data Lake. I am listing all the file status using like below code.
listOfFiles = ListItems(pathOfFolder);
var stTime = new DateTime();
foreach (var file1 in listOfFiles) {
var srcPath = pathOfFolder + "/" + file1.PathSuffix;
using (var stream = adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.Open(_adlsAccountName, srcPath)) {
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(destPath, FileMode.Create))
But it will give list of file streams and it will take much time. is there any way to get all the files with content.?
There is no API that will get all the files and their content in one shot. As one can imagine, a folder could have millions of files each potentially of terabytes of data. A single REST call cannot robustly return the enumeration as well as contents of such a large data set.
The way you are doing it is the correct way.