How to read the below expression in "plain" English

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I'm going through the book "Haskell programming from first principles" and although the authors try to explain in detail how to reduce expressions, I still have trouble understanding how to read some expressions in the examples provided.

Let's assume the below expression:

(λx.x) Then if I understand things correctly this can be read as: "A lambda function, that accepts an argument x and returns (basically translating . as "returns") the same value x.

Now supposing that that we have the below expression:

(λxy.xy), how do we read that expression in plain English? To make it even more complex the authors then expand (λxy.xy) to (λxy.xy)(λz.a) 1. How are these z and a appearing to the above expression? I was hoping that if I can properly transform the expression to plain English I'd be able to understand where z and a come from.


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In lambda calculus, values that are next to each other imply that the first value is being called as a function with the second value as an argument. (λxy.xy) is shorthand for (λx.λy.xy), which means a function that takes an argument x then an argument y, and calls x with argument y. (if you're wondering why there's a function returning a function, it's due to currying). To figure out what (λxy.xy)(λz.a) 1 means, we have to take it step by step:

  • Undo the shorthand: (λx. λy. xy) (λz. a) 1
  • Apply first function (λx): (λy. (λz. a) y) 1
  • Apply second function (λy): (λz. a) 1
  • Apply third function (λz): a

So, we end up with whatever a is (probably an externally defined constant).