How to reference an optional submatch inside a semantic action with boost::xpressive static?

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I have a boost xpressive sregex and semantic action that is equivalent to the following:

Rule = ('[' >> (s1=!(set=')',']','>')))[some_op(as<std::string>(s1))];

Previously I was using this on boost 1.43 without any problems. I have had to upgrade to a newer boost recently and now I run into the following issue. On boost 1.48 when the submatch does not match anything (as it is optional) a bad_lexical_cast exception is thrown by the semantic action when as executes on the empty s1 object.

How can I fix this problem, is it just a coincidence that it worked before and there is some better safer way I should be using to do this? Or is this just e.g. some change in the lexical_cast code that now breaks xpressive?

Additional information

I have managed to temporarily solve the actual problem by changing the following in regex_actions.hpp:

template<typename T>
struct as
    typedef T result_type;

    template<typename Value>
    T operator()(Value const &val) const
        return lexical_cast<T>(val);


template<typename T>
struct as
    typedef T result_type;

    template<typename Value>
    T operator()(Value const &val) const
            return T();
            return lexical_cast<T>(val);

This leads me to believe that perhaps this is something that needs to be fixed in xpressive itself. However I am not 100% convinced yet that it's not something I am doing wrong on my side, anyone with a bit more knowledge on xpressive have some insight into this?


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After investigating a bit more and speaking with the Author of Xpressive I have come to the conclusion that this is either a regression in the behaviour of lexical_cast or a bug in the way xpressive expected lexical_cast to behave.