How to render to a DirectX11 texture from H.264 NV12 IMFSample output?

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Are there any good examples that show how to render the IMFSample output from the H.264 decoder? My scenario uses a 4K resolution H.264 stream and the PC that I am targeting will only accept 1080p using the DXGI buffers. But the H.264 decoder will handle 4K so I need to find a way to feed that NV12 IMFSample directly to the DirectX 11 renderer. I have already tried using the DX11VideoRenderer sample but it fails due to this particular IMFSample not having an IMFDXGIBuffer interface.

It looks like in the DX11VideoRenderer the input IMFDXGIBuffer is NV12 type and that can be rendered successfully in hardware. So it seems logical that a non-DXGI buffer of NV12 type should be acceptable too?

Perhaps I need to create a ID3D11Texture2D texture or resource with an NV12 type? I found examples for how to create a texture from a file but none for how to create a texture from a sample, which would seem to be even more useful. And if I can create a NV12 texture, how to figure out the SysMemPitch and SysMemSlicePitch values in the D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA structure for NV12?

Any help would be really appreciated! Thank you.


There are 1 best solutions below


I was able to find a complete example that renders an NV12 sample to the screen. Although there are some simple stride calculation errors in how it renders it's own example image, the actual rendering code does work correctly. It appears to be an old Microsoft sample that I cannot find any other information about.
