How to return cfdocument pdf file and server to the user in the browser?

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I have function that will generate cfdocument pdf file. Then I would like to return the document and server to the browser. Here is example of the function that generates the pdf file.

    <cfdocument format="PDF" filename="file.pdf" overwrite="Yes">

    <cfset local.fnResults = {file: //Here I'm not sure what I should return}>         

    <cfcatch type="any">
        <cfset local.fnResults = {status : 400, message : "Error! Something went wrong."}>

<cfreturn fnResults>

Function above should genrate the file and return PDF in fnResults structure. Then on serve.cfm I have this logic:

<cfset local.Results = genertePDF()>

<cfif structKeyExists(local.Results, "FILEPATH")>
        <cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment;filename=#local.Results["FILENAME"]#"/>

        <!---Add the file content to the output stream:--->
        <cfcontent file="#local.Results["FILEPATH"]#" type="application/octet-stream" reset="true"/>

        <!---Exit immediately after adding the file content to avoid corrupting it:--->

You can ignore the structure of RESULTS since I haven't modified everything. My only problem here is to figure out how to return cfdocument content? If anyone knows how to get this to work please let me know. Thank you.


There are 1 best solutions below



<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment;filename=#local.Results["FILENAME"]#"/>


<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="inline;filename=#local.Results["FILENAME"]#"/>
