I wrote an intentional infinite loop to identify if card is detected or removed on the reader using vb.net. Because I don't know if there is something like waitForCardPresent in winscard.

So the concept is once the button Connect was clicked, the ifinite loop, to check for card, will start.

So my code in backgroundworker looks like this:

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
        Dim ret As Integer
        Dim rs As WinscardFun.SCARDREADER_STATE
        rs.dwEventState = Nothing
        rs.rgbAtr = Nothing
        rs.pvUserData = Nothing
        rs.cbAtr = Nothing
        rs.szReader = rdr
        rs.dwCurrentState = &H0
        ret = WinscardFun.SCardGetStatusChange(hcontext, -1, rs, 1)
        If ret = 0 And rs.cbAtr > 0 And rs.rgbAtr IsNot Nothing Then

            ReDim atr(rs.cbAtr)
            Array.Copy(rs.rgbAtr, atr, rs.cbAtr)
            If status = "Connected" Then
                'Do nothing
                test = "Connected"
            End If

            If test = "Remove" Then
                'Do nothing
                status = "Remove"
            End If
        End If

End Sub

This code explains that the program will continuously check for card status in background. I wrote the:

If status = "Connected" Then
                'Do nothing
                test = "Connected"
            End If

            If test = "Remove" Then
                'Do nothing
                status = "Removed"
            End If
End If

So my program won't flood with status and will only print connected or removed once.

So my questions are:

  1. Does the concept of javaxx smartcardio's waitforcardpresent() and waitForCardAbsent() is same with my idea?
  2. Are there much better code to detect for card status using vb.net/winscard? If yes, how?
  3. How can I stop this infinite loop? let's say the user click the Disconnect button?
  4. Does my infinite loop bad?

EDIT Infinite loop is not a good idea. So how can I detect a card status in background without consuming resources? or How should I properly use the scardgetstatuschange?

I though that the -1 in

WinscardFun.SCardGetStatusChange(hcontext, -1, rs, 1)

means it will loop infinite based on

    ''' <summary>
''' The SCardGetStatusChange function blocks execution until the current availability of the cards in a specific set of readers changes.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="hContext">A handle that identifies the resource manager context. The resource manager context is set by a previous call to the SCardEstablishContext function.</param>
''' <param name="TimeOut">The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for an action. A value of zero causes the function to return immediately. A value of INFINITE causes this function never to time out.</param>
''' <param name="ReaderState">
''' An array of SCARD_READERSTATE structures that specify the readers to watch, and that receives the result.
''' To be notified of the arrival of a new smart card reader, set the szReader member of a SCARD_READERSTATE structure to "\\\\?PnP?\\Notification", and set all of the other members of that structure to zero.
''' Important  Each member of each structure in this array must be initialized to zero and then set to specific values as necessary. If this is not done, the function will fail in situations that involve remote card readers.
''' </param>
''' <param name="ReaderCount">The number of elements in the rgReaderStates array.</param>
''' <returns></returns>
<DllImport("winscard.dll", EntryPoint:="SCardGetStatusChangeA", CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)> _
Public Shared Function SCardGetStatusChange(ByVal hContext As IntPtr, ByVal TimeOut As Integer, ByRef ReaderState As SCARD_READERSTATE, ByVal ReaderCount As Integer) As Integer
End Function

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