How to Run JXCORE

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I am trying to run jxcore. but i am not able to.Please help me out as i am new to this.


var http = require("http");

jxcore.tasks.on('message', function (threadId, param)  {   
    console.log('Main thread received a message from subthread no ' +
                   threadId + '. Message: ', param);

http.createServer(function(req,resp) {
    console.log("Listening To Thread " + process.threadId);   
    resp.end("Running JXCORE "+process.threadId);


var method = function() {
    try  {
        console.log("Welcome To NodeJS");
        return {
            someResult: "some result";
    } catch(e) {
        console.log("Error Occured : "+e);
        return {"Error":e};

jxcore.tasks.runOnce(code, {count:1000}, function(obj) {
    console.log("Return Value " + obj);

    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log("Waiting For TimeOut 5 Sec");
    }, 5000);

and i am typing on cmd as jx server.js jx mt-keep server.js

I am not seeing thread running. please help


There are 1 best solutions below


There are couple of structural mistakes here. Plus it is not obvious, what you're trying to do.

Scenario 1 - running only server.js

they both work: jx mt server.js or jx mt-keep server.js

Scenario 2 - running serverjx.js which loads for each thread server.js

Here probably you try to create an http server on each thread by using jxcore.tasks.runOnce(). So each of the threads would load server.js and create it's own instance of http server there.

This should be launched this way: jx serverjx.js (without mt or mt-keep)

Although I don't see the point to do it this way (why not running it as in Scenario 1 since it is the correct approach for a multithreaded http server?), after few fixes the code would look like this:


var method = function () {
    try {
        console.log("Welcome To NodeJS");
        return {
            someResult: "some result"
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("Error Occured : " + e);
        return {"Error": e};

jxcore.tasks.runOnce(method, {count: 1000});

Please note few things:

  • require('server') is wrong if you try to load server.js - you have to call require('./server')
  • jxcore.tasks.runOnce(code, ...) is wrong - should be jxcore.tasks.runOnce(method, ...)
  • jxcore.tasks.runOnce does not receive callback argument, so I removed this.

Another thing is that in your callback you were trying to send an object to main thread (process.sendToMain({started:true})), but you have located the listener in server.js (jxcore.tasks.on('message')) which in fact gets loaded into a thread (so it is not the main thread) and the message could not arrive there.