How to save TrueDepth data while recording video on iOS?

1.3k Views Asked by At

I am looking for a way to save the depth information (for each frame) to a file while recording a video using the TrueDepth camera. I have found solutions for saving the depth data while taking photos, but not with video.

I currently have code for recording video and saving it to a file and capturing the depth data simultaneously. However, I don't know how to save the depth data. Basically I use AVCaptureSession and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to save the recorded video. I found that the depth data is given by AVCaptureDepthDataOutput, but how can I save that to a file?

The main parts of the code:

let captureSession = AVCaptureSession()
let sessionOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
let movieOutput = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput()
let depthDataOutput = AVCaptureDepthDataOutput()

if let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInTrueDepthCamera,
                                 for: .video, position: .front) {
let input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device )

  if captureSession.canAddInput(input){
    captureSession.sessionPreset =
    if captureSession.canAddOutput(sessionOutput){   
      // Code for adding previewing the video

  if captureSession.canAddOutput(depthDataOutput){
  if let connection = depthDataOutput.connection(with: .depthData) {
    connection.isEnabled = true
    depthDataOutput.isFilteringEnabled = false
    print("Depth data working")
  } else {
    print("No AVCaptureConnection")

  // Capture the video to a file

  // ...
  // How to store the depth data from AVCaptureDepthDataOutput ?

Any ideas?


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