How to send and receive audio using Unity.WebRTC version 3.0.0-pre3 and UnityWebSocketSharp

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I'm working on webRTC connection with SFU server to make multiple p2p audio connections between unity and js clients (js <-> js, unity <-> unity, unity <-> js). So far I've made stable connections between clients and I started working on audio streaming. While I managed to make audio stream between js <-> js clients I still can't make Unity to send or receive any audio.

SFU server and js client files: Google Drive

Newtonsoft.Json for object deserialization: nuget

The code works more or less like this:

  1. Connect to server via ws
  2. Create local peer (Connect() => CreatePeer())
  3. Add track to local peer (Connect())
  4. Handle negotiation of local peer (set local description and send sdp to server)
  5. Ask server for peer list (Subscribe())
  6. Receive list of peer that are currently connected to server and create remote peers (HandlePeers()) and create their local descriptions
  7. Set remote descriptions of created peers.


using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.WebRTC;
using WebSocketSharp;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;

public class clientEnum : MonoBehaviour
    private List<IEnumerator> threadPumpList = new List<IEnumerator>();
    private WebSocket ws;
    [SerializeField] private string serverURL = "ws://localhost:6969";
    private string username = null;
    private string localUUID = null;
    private RTCPeerConnection localPeer;

    private IDictionary<string, clonePeer> clients = new Dictionary<string, clonePeer>();
    private IDictionary<string, RTCPeerConnection> consumers = new Dictionary<string, RTCPeerConnection>();

    private RTCPeerConnection _transport;
    private MediaStream _sendStream;
    private MediaStream _receiveStream;

    private AudioSource _audioSourceInput;
    private AudioSource _audioSourceOutput;
    private AudioStreamTrack track;

    private string _defaulMicrophone;
    private AudioClip m_clipInput;

    #region payload_classes
    public class payload_consume
        public string type = "consume";
        public string id;
        public string consumerId;
        public sdp_c sdp;

    public class payload_ice_consumer
        public string type = "consumer_ice";
        public string uqid;
        public string consumerId;

    public class payload_ice
        public string type = "ice";
        public ice_c ice;
        public string uqid;

    public class payload_connect
        public string type = "connect";
        public sdp_c sdp;
        public string uqid;
        public string username;

    public class sdp_c
        public string type = "offer";
        public string sdp;

    public class ice_c
        public string candidate;
        public string sdpMid;
        public string sdpMLineIndex;
        public string usernameFragment;

    #region JSON_Classes

    public class J_baptist
        public string type { get; set; }
        public string username { get; set; }

    public class J_Witaj
        public string type { get; set; }
        public string id { get; set; }

    public class J_Peers
        public string type { get; set; }
        public _peer[] peers { get; set; }

    public class J_Producer
        public string type
            get; set;
        public string id
            get; set;
        public string username
            get; set;
    public class J_Answer
        public string type
            get; set;
        public sdp_class sdp
            get; set;
    public class J_user_left
        public string type
            get; set;
        public string id
            get; set;
    public class J_Consume

        public string type
            get; set;
        public string username
            get; set;
        public string id
            get; set;
        public string consumerId
            get; set;
        public sdp_class sdp
            get; set;

    public class sdp_class
        public string type
            get; set;
        public string sdp
            get; set;
    public class _peer

        public string? consumerId { get; set; }
        public string id { get; set; }
        public string username { get; set; }

    public class clonePeer
        public string? consumerId { get; set; }
        public string id { get; set; }
        public string username { get; set; }

        public clonePeer(string id, string username)
            this.consumerId = null;
   = id;
            this.username = username;

        public clonePeer(string consumerId, string id, string username)
            this.consumerId = consumerId;
   = id;
            this.username = username;

        public string toString()
            return "{id = " + + ", username = " + this.username + ", consumerId = " + this.consumerId + "}";
    private IEnumerator HandleMessage(string message)
        Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Start...");
        if (message.Contains("\"type\":\"witaj\"") == true)
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Wiadomosc zawierala, WITAJ!");
            J_Witaj witaj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<J_Witaj>(message);
            //Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Recevied message" + message);
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Your ID: " +;
            localUUID =;
            yield return StartCoroutine(Connect());

        if (message.Contains("\"type\":\"baptism\"") == true)
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Wiadomosc zawierala, Baptism!");
            J_baptist baptism = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<J_baptist > (message);
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Your Username:" + baptism.username);
            username = baptism.username;

        if (message.Contains("\"type\":\"peers\"") == true)
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Wiadomosc zawierala, peers!");
            J_Peers peers_msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<J_Peers>(message);
            //Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Recevied message: " + message);
            yield return StartCoroutine(HandlePeers(peers_msg));

        if (message.Contains("\"type\":\"newProducer\"") == true)
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Wiadomosc zawierala, newProducer!");
            J_Producer producer_msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<J_Producer>(message);
            //Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Recevied message " + message);
            yield return StartCoroutine(HandleProducer(producer_msg));

        if (message.Contains("\"type\":\"answer\"") == true)
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Wiadomosc zawierala, answer!");
            J_Answer answer_msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<J_Answer>(message);
            //Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Recevied message " + message);
            yield return StartCoroutine(HandleAnswer(answer_msg));

        if (message.Contains("\"type\":\"user_left\"") == true)
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Wiadomosc zawierala, user_left!");
            J_user_left user_left_msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<J_user_left>(message);
                //Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Recevied message " + message);
            yield return StartCoroutine(HandleUserLeft(user_left_msg));

        if (message.Contains("\"type\":\"consume\"") == true)
            Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Wiadomosc zawierala, consume!");
            J_Consume consume_msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<J_Consume>(message);
            //Debug.Log("HandleMessage: Recevied message " + message);
            yield return StartCoroutine(HandleConsume(consume_msg));

        yield break;

    private IEnumerator HandlePeers(J_Peers peers_msg)
        Debug.Log("HandlePeers: Starting...");
        if (peers_msg.peers.Length > 0)
            foreach (_peer peer in peers_msg.peers)
                Debug.Log("HandlePeers: Peer ID: " +;
                clonePeer newP = new clonePeer(, peer.username);
                Debug.Log("HandlePeers: New peer: " + newP.toString());
                clients.Add(, newP);
                yield return StartCoroutine(ConsumeOnce(newP));
            Debug.Log("HandlePeers: You are alone in session...");

    private IEnumerator HandleProducer(J_Producer producer)
        if (localUUID == yield break;
        Debug.Log("HandleProducer: New user in session.");
        clonePeer peer = new clonePeer(, producer.username);
        clients.Add(, peer);
        Debug.Log("HandleProducer: List of users: ");
        foreach (var c in clients)
            Debug.Log(c.Value.username + " -> " + c.Key);
        yield return StartCoroutine(ConsumeOnce(peer));

    private IEnumerator HandleAnswer(J_Answer answer)
        Debug.Log("HandleAnswer: Starting...");
        RTCSessionDescription desc = new RTCSessionDescription();
        desc.sdp = answer.sdp.sdp;
        yield return localPeer.SetRemoteDescription(ref desc);

    public IEnumerator HandleUserLeft(J_user_left user_left)
        string cId = null;

            cId = clients[].consumerId;
            Debug.Log($"HandleUserLeft: User {cId} left the session");
            Debug.Log("HandleUserLeft: User without an Id");

            var uN = clients[].username;
            Debug.Log($"HandleUserLeft: His username: {uN}.");
            Debug.Log("HandleUserLeft: User without an username");

        if (cId != null)
            yield return StartCoroutine(RemoveConsumer(cId));


        yield break;

    public IEnumerator RemoveConsumer(string consumerId)
        foreach(var transceiver in consumers[consumerId].GetTransceivers())
            if (transceiver.Receiver.Track.Id == consumerId && transceiver.Direction != RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.Stopped)
        foreach (var sender in consumers[consumerId].GetSenders())

        foreach (var receiver in consumers[consumerId].GetReceivers())

        yield break;

    public IEnumerator HandleConsume(J_Consume consume)
        Debug.Log("HandleConsume: Starting...");
        RTCSessionDescription desc = new RTCSessionDescription();
        desc.sdp = consume.sdp.sdp;

            consumers[consume.consumerId].SetRemoteDescription(ref desc);
            Debug.Log("HandleConsume: Remote description set.");
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("HandleConsume: Error: " + e);

        yield break;

    public IEnumerator ConsumeOnce(clonePeer peer)
        Debug.Log("ConsumeOnce: Starting...");
        Debug.Log("ConsumeOnce: " + + " " + peer.username);

        yield return StartCoroutine(CreateConsumerTransport(peer));
        RTCPeerConnection transport = _transport;

        if (transport != null)
            sdp_c sdp = new sdp_c();
            sdp.sdp = transport.LocalDescription.sdp;
            payload_consume payload = new payload_consume();
            payload.consumerId = peer.consumerId;
            payload.sdp = sdp;
            string JSON = JsonUtility.ToJson(payload);
            Debug.Log("ConsumeOnce: Sending message: " + JSON);
        } else {
            Debug.Log("ConsumeOnce: Tranport is null.");

        yield return _transport;

    public IEnumerator CreateConsumerTransport(clonePeer peer)
        Debug.Log("CreateConsumerTransport: Starting...");
        string consumerID =;
        RTCPeerConnection consumerTransport = new RTCPeerConnection();
        clients[].consumerId = consumerID;

        consumers.Add(consumerID, consumerTransport);

        consumers[consumerID].AddTransceiver(TrackKind.Audio).Direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.RecvOnly;

        yield return StartCoroutine(HandleTransportNegotiation(consumers[consumerID]));

        consumers[consumerID].OnIceCandidate += consumerTransport => StartCoroutine(HandleConsumerIceCandidate(consumerTransport, consumerID));
        consumers[consumerID].OnTrack += (RTCTrackEvent e) => StartCoroutine(handleRemoteTrack(e));

        _transport = consumerTransport;
    public IEnumerator handleRemoteTrack(RTCTrackEvent e)
        if (e.Track.Kind == TrackKind.Audio)
        yield break;

    public IEnumerator HandleTransportNegotiation(RTCPeerConnection peer)
        Debug.Log("HandleTransportNegotiation: Creating offer...");
        var offer = peer.CreateOffer();
        while(offer.Desc.sdp == null)
            yield return null;

        Debug.Log("HandleTransportNegotiation: Offer created: " + offer.Desc.sdp.ToString());
        yield return StartCoroutine(OnTransportOfferCreateSuccess(offer.Desc, peer));


    public IEnumerator OnTransportOfferCreateSuccess(RTCSessionDescription offer, RTCPeerConnection peer)
        Debug.Log("OnTransportOfferCreateSuccess: Setting consumer description...");
        var desc = peer.SetLocalDescription(ref offer);
        yield return null;
        Debug.Log("OnTransportOfferCreateSuccess: Consumer description set: " + peer.LocalDescription.sdp.ToString());
        yield return desc;

    public IEnumerator Connect()
        Debug.Log("Connect: Starting P2P connection.");
        yield return StartCoroutine(CreatePeer());
        localPeer.AddTrack(track, _sendStream);
        yield return StartCoroutine(Subscribe());
    public IEnumerator CreatePeer()
        Debug.Log("CreatePeer: Creating peer...");
        var config = new RTCConfiguration();
        config.iceServers = new[]{
            new RTCIceServer { urls = new[] { "" } },
            new RTCIceServer { urls = new[] { "" } }

        localPeer = new RTCPeerConnection(ref config);
        localPeer.OnIceCandidate = (e) => StartCoroutine(HandleIceCandidate(e));
        localPeer.OnNegotiationNeeded += () => StartCoroutine(HandleNegotiation(localPeer));

        yield return localPeer;

    public IEnumerator Subscribe()
        Debug.Log("Subscribe: Starting");
        yield return StartCoroutine(ConsumeAll());
        yield break;
    private IEnumerator ConsumeAll()
        Debug.Log("ConsumeAll: Sending getPeers");
        string getPeers = "{\"type\":\"getPeers\",\"uqid\":\"" + localUUID + "\"}";
        Debug.Log("ConsumeAll: Sending message: " + getPeers);
        yield break;

    public IEnumerator HandleNegotiation(RTCPeerConnection peer)
        Debug.Log("HandleNegotiation: Creating offer...");
        var offer = peer.CreateOffer();
        yield return offer;
        Debug.Log("HandleNegotiation: Offer created: " + offer.Desc.sdp.ToString());
        yield return StartCoroutine(OnOfferCreateSuccess(offer.Desc, peer));

    public IEnumerator OnOfferCreateSuccess(RTCSessionDescription offer, RTCPeerConnection peer)
        Debug.Log("OnOfferCreateSuccess: Setting local description...");
        var desc = peer.SetLocalDescription(ref offer);
        yield return desc;
        Debug.Log("OnOfferCreateSuccess: Local description set: " + peer.LocalDescription.sdp.ToString());
        sdp_c sdp = new sdp_c();
        sdp.sdp = peer.LocalDescription.sdp.ToString();
        payload_connect payload = new payload_connect();
        payload.sdp = sdp;
        payload.uqid = localUUID;
        payload.username = username;
        string JSON = JsonUtility.ToJson(payload);
        Debug.Log("OnOfferCreateSuccess: Sending message: " + JSON);

    public IEnumerator HandleIceCandidate(RTCIceCandidate candidate)
        if (candidate != null && candidate.Candidate != null && candidate.Candidate.Length > 0)
            ice_c ice = new ice_c();
            ice.candidate = candidate.Candidate;
            ice.sdpMid = candidate.SdpMid;
            ice.sdpMLineIndex = candidate.SdpMLineIndex.ToString();
            ice.usernameFragment = candidate.UserNameFragment;

            payload_ice payload = new payload_ice();
   = ice;
            payload.uqid = localUUID;

            string JSON = JsonUtility.ToJson(payload);
            Debug.Log("HandleIceCandidate: Sending message: Sending message: " + JSON);
        yield break;

    private IEnumerator HandleConsumerIceCandidate(RTCIceCandidate candidate, string consumentID)
        if (candidate != null && candidate.Candidate != null && candidate.Candidate.Length > 0)
            payload_ice_consumer ice = new payload_ice_consumer();
            ice.uqid = localUUID;
            ice.consumerId = consumentID;
            string JSON = JsonUtility.ToJson(ice);
            Debug.Log("HandleConsumerIceCandidate: Sending message: " + JSON);
        yield break;

    void Start()
        _defaulMicrophone = Microphone.devices[0];
        Microphone.GetDeviceCaps(_defaulMicrophone, out int minFreq, out int maxFreq);
        m_clipInput = Microphone.Start(_defaulMicrophone, true, 10, 44100);

        _sendStream = new MediaStream();
        _audioSourceInput.clip = m_clipInput;
        track = new AudioStreamTrack(_audioSourceInput);

        _receiveStream = new MediaStream();
        _receiveStream.OnAddTrack += OnAddTrack;


    private void OnAddTrack(MediaStreamTrackEvent e)
        var track = e.Track as AudioStreamTrack;

    private void Init()
        Debug.Log("Init: Starting...");
        ws = new WebSocket(serverURL);

        ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) =>
            Debug.Log("Connection: Connection started.");
            string JSON = "{\"type\":\"user_connected_via_ws\",\"user_type\":\"UNI\"}";

        ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) =>
            Debug.Log("Connection: Recevied message: "+ e.Data);
            Debug.Log("Connection: Message handled.");

        ws.OnClose += (sender, e) =>
            Debug.Log("Connection: Connection closed.");
            ws = null;


    private void Update()
        while(threadPumpList.Count > 0)



Despite the established connection and data exchange, there is no audio transmission. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong and why Unity isn't sending or receiving audio stream.


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