How to set extent of spatial SQL query in python (geoalchemy)

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since days i've been hustling around trying to figure out, how to properly query data from a PostGIS database using geoalchemy2, an extension to python's sqlalchemy supporting spatial database operations.

I'm working with python3.4 and Openstreetmaps data from Brandenburg (admin area within Germany) that i fed into my local Postgres-DB. Data is in lat/long. I've been following the tutorials on how to set things up using the ORM part of the geoalchemy package ( In the beginning, everything went fine

  1. Define a mapping

    Base = declarative_base()
    class QuerySchema(Base):
       __tablename__ = "brandenburg_polygon"
       osm_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
       name = Column(String)
       amenity = Column(String)
       way = Column(Geometry('POLYGON'))
  2. Define DB setup

    engine = create_engine(
        pwd=keyring.get_password('osm', 'andi_postgres')))
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()
  3. Do my query

    buildings = session.query(QuerySchema)

Now, everything is working fine until i try to reduce the extent - for i don't want to have all buildings stored inside my DB but maybe only those within a given boundary or a boundary polygon.

  1. Reduce the extent by defining a boundary box (WKT-format)

    bbox = 'POLYGON ((13.01881424267171 52.50091209200498, 13.01881424267171 52.57800809377812, 12.87181701302189 52.57800809377812, 12.87181701302189 52.50091209200498, 13.01881424267171 52.50091209200498))'

I tried using .filter() with various options but it didn't work out. So far i understood, that filter() needs some kind of bool input, so one has to define a statement according to that. So what is wrong with a statement like this?

    session.query(QuerySchema).filter(func.ST_Contains(bbox, QuerySchema.way))

Checking the result of func.ST_Contains(bbox, QuerySchema.way) brings <geoalchemy2.functions.ST_Contains at 0x10a12a400; ST_Contains>so obviously filter() won't work properly.

Question: How do I have to perform the operation to work properly, i.e. giving me only those DB entries within a given boundary?


There are 1 best solutions below


Try this query:
