How to skip some specified Handler in netty or the correct handler usage with reactor-netty?

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I am new to netty and plan to demonstrate a rtsp online desktop share application for practise . now i get puzzled that when i request the desktop share frame via rtsp , it should be decode by RtspDecoder which is provide by netty native , but the other data would be decode too? my purpose is that if the data is rtsp then it decoded by rtspHandler ,if it not , it should fire subsequent handler ReactiveConnectionConsumer , but now the reactive have not reaceive any data . could some one tell me , the correct usage of this ? i make mess on it .

rtps client side i send the data wrapper into rtsp via netty ByteBuf

public void configSendConsumer (Consumer<DefaultFullHttpRequest> consumer) {
        new Thread(()-> {
            while (true){
//                recorder.get
                if (bos.size() > 0){
                    ByteBuf buffer = PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer();


                    DefaultFullHttpRequest defaultFullHttpRequest = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(RtspVersions.RTSP_1_0,
                            RtspMethods.OPTIONS, "/live", buffer);



server builder ReactorTcpServer

  public ReactiveServer init(InetSocketAddress address){
        this.address = address;
        server = TcpServer
                .wiretap("tcp-server", LogLevel.INFO)
                .doOnConnection(connection -> {
                    log.debug("connection has been established ");

                    connection.addHandlerLast(new ProtobufEncoder());

                            .addHandlerLast(new RtspEncoder())   // i add this one to  decode the rtsp protocol , 
                            .addHandlerLast(new RtspDecoder())
        ;"startup netty  on port {}",address.getPort());

        return this;

comsumer data with reactor handler

public class ReactiveConnectionConsumer extends ConnectionConsumer {

    public ReactiveConnectionConsumer(){
        super((nettyInbound, nettyOutbound) -> {

            Flux<byte[]> handle = nettyInbound.receive().handle((byteBuf, sink) ->

                nettyInbound.withConnection(connection -> {

                log.debug("receive data ");

                int i = byteBuf.readableBytes();

                if (i > 0) {



                    }catch (Exception exception){

                        log.error("reactor netty occur error {} ", ExceptionUtil.stacktraceToString(exception));

              "occur error {} " + ExceptionUtil.stacktraceToString(exception)).getBytes());



      "server has receive your data ".getBytes());
            var nettyOutbound1 = nettyOutbound.sendByteArray(Flux.concat(handle));
            return nettyOutbound1.then();



    public void accept(Connection c) {



here is project link github/pengpengon/Meeting , may be the whole design is in wrong way , could some one helps to demonstrate the general rtsp in netty best practise?


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