How to smoothly hide action mode tool bar then show action bar

142 Views Asked by At

I have a recycler view and when user long clicks an item, I begin an action mode with beginActionMode and later finish the action mode when selection is done.


Is when the action mode is finished and it hides its tool bar, I show mine in onDestroyActionMode but the view jerks down then up.

How can I smoothly hide the action mode tool bar then show the action bar without the view jerk.


In beginActionMode the view does not jerk, it only does so when closing action mode.

here is beginActionMode

private boolean beginActionMode () {
  if (fActionMode == null) {
    fSwipeRefereshLayout.setEnabled (false);
    fActionMode = startSupportActionMode (this);
    // I hide the action bar here
    getSupportActionBar ().hide ();
    fSelectingItems = true;
    fSelectedItems.clear ();
    return true;
  fActionMode.invalidate ();
  return false;

and onDestroyActionMode

public void onDestroyActionMode (ActionMode am) {
  fActionMode = null;
  fSelectingItems = false;

  selectAll ();
  fTabLayout.setClickable (true);
  // I show action bar here
  getSupportActionBar ().show ();
  fSwipeRefereshLayout.setEnabled (true);

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