How to solve linear programming problem with simplex algorithm

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I am solving the following problem of linear programming using the linprog function

%Objective Function
     %X1    X2    X3    X4    X5    X6    X7    X8    X9    X10   X11   X12   X13   X14   X15   X16   X17   X18
f = [0.669 0.654 0.503 0.683 0.670 0.673 0.749 0.655 0.660 0.583 1.243 0.639 2.024 2.156 1.672 0.473 0.139 0.687];

A = [];   b = [];   %Sin restricciones de desigualdad

%Restricciones de igualdad son:
     %X1  X2    X3   X4   X5   X6   X7   X8   X9   X10  X11   X12  X13  X14  X15  X16  X17  X18
Aeq=[0.1 0.12 0.335 0.15 0.18 0.19 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.15   0   0.15 0.11  0   0.13  0     0  0.46; %Nitrogeno
     0.3 0.24   0   0.03 0.05 0.04 0.27 0.03 0.24 0.15   0    0   0.52 0.52  0    0     0    0 ; %Fosforo
     0.1 0.12   0   0.31 0.15 0.19 0.08 0.2  0.12 0.15  0.50  0    0   0.34 0.44  0     0    0 ; %Potasio
      0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0   0.26  0    0    0    0    0.50  0 ; %Calcio
      0    0    0    0   0.06  0    0    0    0    0     0    0    0    0    0   0.17   0    0]; %Magnesio

beq = [285.71 ; %Demanda nutricional de Nitrogeno (kg/ha)
       305.33 ; %Demanda nutricional de Fosforo (kg/ha)
          450 ; %Demanda nutricional de Potasio (kg/ha)
       262.50 ; %Demanda nutricional de Calcio (kg/ha)
        41.50]; %Demanda nutricional de Magnesio (kg/ha)

%Limite inferior
lb = zeros(18,1);   
%Limite superior
ub = inf(18,1);        

x = linprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, options)

Solucion_optima = f*x

When I solve this is the result that throws me but does not show any results of the simplex table and I execute it with the following command

options = optimoptions('linprog','Algorithm','dual-simplex');

So I have the simplex algorithm



Xsol=[Aeq eye(In) beq
    f zeros(1,In) 0];

for iter=1:1:iterM
    if fin==0






for i=1:1:size(Xsol,1)

    if i~=f


for i=1:1:size(f,2)

When I run the Xsol function it does not show me the optimal solution nor the other values ​​that the simplex table should have


There are 1 best solutions below


Based on the OP stating, "I need the reduced costs, the dual solution and shadow prices."

1) The dual solution is the shadow prices. The shadow prices are the solution to the dual.

2) The final simplex tableau is not the only way to obtain the stated objectives (though it would work).

Dual Solution (Shadow prices)
You can obtain the dual solution via [x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda] = linprog(___). The lambda is the dual solution; see MATLAB's documentation and examples for linprog (link). The documentation calls these Lagrange multipliers.

Reduced Costs
The reduced costs are obtainable with or without the dual solution. If f is the coefficients of the objective function (costs), then the reduced costs = f'- p'*A when the LP is written in standard form A*x=b. If someone else knows a better way to get the reduced costs from the output, please post. I've tried to avoid the primal formula to spare pulling out the index of basic variables.

A clear reference on this:
Bertsimas, Dimistris, and Tsitsiklis, John N. 1997. Introduction to Linear Optimization, Athena Scientific & Dynamic Ideas, LLC, Belmont, MA. page 148