How to split the shortest path according to the distance

61 Views Asked by At

I have the shortest path connecting a set of points, where the starting point A is fixed. I have the total distance as well as the pairwise distance, as well as the ordered indexes. I want to split the path: if the total distance of the path is greater than a certain value I want to cut it and start a new path and so on.

I managed to achieve it using cumsum and accummary (I am using MATLAB ) but it's a really ugly solution, I was wondering is there another way?

Dmax = max(totdistance);
th   = Dmax/4;                 % threshold
toSplit = distances;           % pairwise distance
nSplit  = cumsum(distances/th);
subs    = floor( nSplit ) + 1;
newPaths = accumarray( subs(:), (1:numel(subs)).', [], @(x) {cumsum(toSplit(x))});

This way I can also use the totcost and pairwaise cost, if provided, instead of the distance for example.


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