How to spy on a class method in Kiwi?

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I've looked through various examples with class mocking, like these:!topic/kiwi-bdd/hrR2Om3Hv3I

Mocking expectations in Kiwi (iOS) for a delegate

The class Test has a class method fetch.

What I am trying to achieve is to see if a method from a class gets called during the work of the class I want to test.

What I do:

    it(@"test", ^{
        id mock = [KWMock mockForClass:[Test class]];
        [[mock should] receive:@selector(fetch)];
        Repository *rep = [[Repository sharedInstance] rep]; //method `rep` invokes [Test fetch] at some point

And the test fails with the following error:

[FAILED], expected subject to receive -fetch exactly 1 time, but received it 0 times

What am I doing wrong? How the spy mechanism should work on class methods?


There are 1 best solutions below

[[Test should] receive:@selector(fetch)];

Thats how you should check it since its a method class not an instance class you dont need a mocked class object. The autocompletion when you write might not show it so you have to force this.