How to stop an observedObject from updating the UI in SwiftUi?

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I am working with a navigationView with swiftUI. My problem is whenever I go to another view with a Navlink and the observedObject of the root of my navigationView changes, my interface come back to the root view also.

So my question is : Is there a way to tell the observedObject Of the root of the navigationView to stop updating the UI when I navigate to a navLink ?

The root of my navigationView: listChatViewModel is an Observable object and recentMessages is a Published Property


            ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false){
                VStack(spacing : 6){
                    ForEach(listChatViewModel.recentMessages){recentMessage in
                        NavigationLink(destination: ChatView(ChatViewModel(myUserId : self.session.session!.uid, userId : recentMessage.senderProfile!.user_id))) {
                            RecentCellView(recentMessage: recentMessage)


            .navigationBarTitle("Chat", displayMode: .inline)
                Image("logo_black").resizable().frame(width: 32.0, height: 32.0)

When I am in the ChatView and that the recentMessages property updates, this make me go back to the root view


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