How to stop MPMoviePlayerController from showing "This movie could not be played."?

871 Views Asked by At

I use MPMoviePlayerController to play some Video and Audio streams on iPhone.

Sometimes some steams aren't available, so on iPhone OS 3.1 I get 4 "This movie could not be played" alerts, even if I catch all the notifications.

Can anyone tell me how to prevent this from happening?


There are 2 best solutions below


I'm sorry to tell you that this is (to the best of my knowledge) not possible to do. I've dealt with the same issue too and even though I spent quite a lot of time investigating the issue, I couldn't find a solution.


in order to prevent the MPMoviePlayerController from displaying UIAlertView alerts, you can use the following approach:

add the following methods to your application delegate, and make sure to call patchMPVVC only once on startup:

#import "/usr/include/objc/objc-runtime.h"

- (void)_handleError:(NSNotification *)notification {
    // do nothing, or add any custom error handling code here

- (void)patchMPVVC {
    // add the _handleError: method to the MPVideoViewController class
    Class class = NSClassFromString(@"MPVideoViewController");
    Method myMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self class], @selector(_handleError:));
    class_addMethod(class, @selector(_handleError:), method_getImplementation(myMethod), "v@:@");

    // swap method implementations:
    SEL selector = sel_registerName("_videoView_playbackErrorNotification");
    Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, selector);       
    myMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, @selector(_handleError:));
    method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, myMethod);

just keep in mind that this code might be rejected by apple due to the fact that it references the private MPVideoViewController class and _videoView_playbackErrorNotification method.