How to superscript and italicize in the same plot in R

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I'm trying to create the following legend:

legend(x = 23, y = 40, legend = c('Col-0 Control', 'Col-0 840g ha-1', 'TOC1-ox Control', "TOC1 840g ha-1"), col = c('black', 'black','red', 'red'), lty = c(1,2,1,2 ), pch=c(15,15,15,15), = c('white', 'white', NA,NA), cex = 1.5, bty="n", lwd=2)

Which works but I am trying to get the ha-1 in the superscript format ha^-1 while also making just the TOC1 (not -ox or 840g ha-1) in italics. I've tried the following:

as.expression(bquote("Col-0 840g " ~ ha^-1 ~)

which worked on its own but does not seem to work when i combined the other 3 labels. I'm also lost on how to italicize just TOC1 and have tried the method outlined here: How to only make one legend name italic in base R plot? with no luck. Any help would be very very appreciated!!

code so far:

windows(width=10, height=8)
windowsFonts(A = windowsFont("Times New Roman"))
op <- par(family="A", font=2)
plot(Exp24[1:3,12], Exp24[1:3,11], bty = "n", xaxt = "n", xlim=range(24:72), ylim=range(10:40), col = "black", type = "b", pch=15, cex=2, family = "A", xlab = "Time After Leaf Disc Extraction (h)", ylab = "Relative Electrolyte Leakage (%)", lty = 1, lwd=2, cex.lab =1.5, cex.axis=1.5, font=2, font.lab=2)
arrows(Exp24[1:3,12], Exp24[1:3,11]-Exp24[1:3,15], Exp24[1:3,12], Exp24[1:3,11]+Exp24[1:3,15], length=0.05, angle=90, code=3, col = "black", lwd=2)
axis(side=1,at=c(24,48, 72),labels=c("24","48","72"), font=2, cex.axis=1.5, family="A", lwd=2)
legend(x = 23, y = 40, legend = c(expression('Col-0 Control'), expression('Col-0 840g ha'^'-1'), expression(italic('TOC1')*'-ox Control'), expression(italic('TOC1')*'-ox 840g ha'^'-1')), col = c('black', 'black','red', 'red'), lty = c(1,2,1,2 ), pch=c(15,15,15,15), = c('white', 'white', NA,NA), cex = 1.5, bty="n", lwd=2)

There are 1 best solutions below


You can combine superscript and italic text in a legend like this:

# make a very simple plot
x <- c(1,3,6,9,12)
y <- c(1.5,2,7,8,15)
plot(x,y, xlab=expression('AB'^'superscript'* italic('some italic text'))))

The asterix * denotes the end of the superscript formatting. Text that should be italic is placed in italic(...)


enter image description here

Now if you have several labels in your legend, just put every label in one expression(...) function. Like this

c(expression('cars'), expression('trucks'^'trucks'* italic(trucks))