How to supply registry credential to a lifecycle

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I am taking a look at the standard and I wanted to make my own platform.

I am encountering issues with exporting my images to the docker hub. I have not written the exporter but I am using one from the project as follows.

A platform is an executable that given a build image (heroku/buildpacks) will

  1. start a build container from that image and set some environment variables
  2. copy the sources to a predefined directory in the build container
  3. execute the /cnb/lifecycle/creator

A minimal implementation as a shelling out to buildah would then be like this.

#! /usr/bin/env bash    
# this script is a implementation of a platform    
readonly SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename "$0")"    
run () {    
        local -r builder_image="$1"    
        local -r app_name="$2"    
        local -r new_container=$(buildah from "$builder_image")    
        # here we can set-up all the environment variables that are    
        # requested by the plaftorm API    
        buildah config -e CNB_PLATFORM_API="0.5" "$new_container"

        # this is useful for debugging what is actually happening
        # during the lifecycle    
        buildah config -e CNB_LOG_LEVEL="debug" "$new_container"

        # I have mounted my credentials directory inside this build container
        # this is where it should be found
        # buildah run "$new_container" cat /home/heroku/.docker/config.json
        # finally we can copy what we want built and packaged as an image    
        buildah copy "$new_container" '.' '/workspace'    
        buildah run "$new_container" /cnb/lifecycle/creator "$app_name"    
        # remove this build container when done
        #buildah rm "$new_container"    
run "$@"  

The good news is that I am getting somewhere and I can go through the phases described in the lifecycle but I am getting an error when the lifecycle tries to upload the resulting image to a remote.

From an example directory containing just one file that will print "Hello world" when run I can do.

$ buildpacks docker://
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 9c080d283a81 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob e80fe5117c2a [--------------------------------------] 0.0b / 0.0b
Copying config 451cf0ce8d done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
container ID must be specified
ERRO exit status 125                              
Warning: Not restoring or caching layer data, no cache flag specified.
======== Output: heroku/[email protected] ========
======== Results ========
err:  heroku/[email protected] (1)
pass: heroku/[email protected]
======== Results ========
fail: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
======== Results ========
fail: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
======== Results ========
fail: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
======== Results ========
fail: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
======== Results ========
pass: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
skip: heroku/[email protected]
fail: heroku/[email protected]
Warning: Warning: buildpack heroku/jvm has a "version" key. This key is deprecated in build plan requirements in buildpack API 0.3. "metadata.version" should be used instead
======== Output: heroku/[email protected] ========
======== Output: heroku/[email protected] ========
Could not find a pom.xml file! Please check that it exists and is committed to Git.
======== Results ========
pass: heroku/[email protected]
fail: heroku/[email protected]
fail: heroku/[email protected]
======== Results ========
pass: heroku/[email protected]
fail: heroku/[email protected]
skip: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
======== Results ========
pass: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
skip: heroku/[email protected]
pass: heroku/[email protected]
Resolving plan... (try #1)
3 of 4 buildpacks participating
heroku/nodejs-engine 0.7.4
heroku/nodejs-npm    0.4.4
heroku/procfile      0.6.2
Previous image with name "" not found
Usable cache not provided, using empty cache metadata.
Usable cache not provided, using empty cache metadata.
Starting build
Running build for buildpack heroku/[email protected]
Looking up buildpack
Finding plan
Running build for buildpack Node Buildpack 0.7.4
Updating buildpack plan entries
Creating plan directory
Preparing paths
Running build command
[INFO] Node.js Buildpack
[INFO] Setting NODE_ENV to production
[INFO] Installing toolbox
[INFO] - yj

[Installing Node]
[INFO] Getting Node version
[INFO] Resolving Node version
[INFO] Downloading and extracting Node v16.3.0

[Parsing package.json]
[INFO] Parsing package.json
Processing layers
Updating environment
Reading output files
Updating buildpack processes
Updating process list
Finished running build for buildpack heroku/[email protected]
Running build for buildpack heroku/[email protected]
Looking up buildpack
Finding plan
Running build for buildpack NPM Buildpack 0.4.4
Updating buildpack plan entries
Creating plan directory
Preparing paths
Running build command
[INFO] Using npm v7.15.1 from Node
[INFO] Installing node modules

up to date, audited 1 package in 778ms

found 0 vulnerabilities
npm notice 
npm notice New minor version of npm available! 7.15.1 -> 7.18.1
npm notice Changelog: <>
npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
npm notice 

[Warning: Skip pruning because NODE_ENV is not 'production'.]

Processing layers
Updating environment
Reading output files
Updating buildpack processes
Updating process list
Finished running build for buildpack heroku/[email protected]
Running build for buildpack heroku/[email protected]
Looking up buildpack
Finding plan
Running build for buildpack Procfile 0.6.2
Updating buildpack plan entries
Creating plan directory
Preparing paths
Running build command
[INFO] Discovering process types
[INFO] Procfile declares types -> (none)
Processing layers
Updating environment
Reading output files
Updating buildpack processes
Updating process list
Finished running build for buildpack heroku/[email protected]
Listing processes
Finished build
no project metadata found at path '/layers/project-metadata.toml', project metadata will not be exported
Reusing tarball for layer "heroku/nodejs-engine:nodejs" with SHA: sha256:22b14cf125adb65ab87e7dc2dcbfddc9e80e3d1916536be195709424b91be64d
Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:nodejs'
Layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:nodejs' SHA: sha256:22b14cf125adb65ab87e7dc2dcbfddc9e80e3d1916536be195709424b91be64d
Layer 'slice-1' SHA: sha256:62f98a22a3bd756b22102aacc338bbc61810fac32149d4a213f74fdb7e64759d
Adding 1/1 app layer(s)
Reusing tarball for layer "launcher" with SHA: sha256:20e1cf6014bd25720eb257f028b876dae49298820951982fa57cc2f64c086e66
Adding layer 'launcher'
Layer 'launcher' SHA: sha256:20e1cf6014bd25720eb257f028b876dae49298820951982fa57cc2f64c086e66
Reusing tarball for layer "config" with SHA: sha256:c8c42576a4717d5b075ea911146c10b8843b45a1f8b59c492eb866e418522a19
Adding layer 'config'
Layer 'config' SHA: sha256:c8c42576a4717d5b075ea911146c10b8843b45a1f8b59c492eb866e418522a19
Reusing tarball for layer "process-types" with SHA: sha256:83d85471d9f8a3834b4e27cf701e3f0aef220cc816d9c173c7d32cd73909a590
Adding layer 'process-types'
Layer 'process-types' SHA: sha256:83d85471d9f8a3834b4e27cf701e3f0aef220cc816d9c173c7d32cd73909a590
Adding label 'io.buildpacks.lifecycle.metadata'
Adding label ''
Adding label 'io.buildpacks.project.metadata'
Setting CNB_LAYERS_DIR=/layers
Setting CNB_APP_DIR=/workspace
Prepending /cnb/process and /cnb/lifecycle to PATH
Setting default process type 'web'
Setting ENTRYPOINT: '/cnb/process/web'
*** Images (sha256:30279532d29d797bc9fd61d705b6701a62ded6e857150f2cabf176b698351d20): - POST UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required; [map[Action:pull Class: Name:edoput/buildpacks-example Type:repository] map[Action:push Class: Name:edoput/buildpacks-example Type:repository] map[Action:pull Class: Name:heroku/pack Type:repository]]

*** Digest: sha256:30279532d29d797bc9fd61d705b6701a62ded6e857150f2cabf176b698351d20

*** Manifest Size: 2209
ERROR: failed to export: failed to write image to the following tags: [ POST UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required; [map[Action:pull Class: Name:edoput/buildpacks-example Type:repository] map[Action:push Class: Name:edoput/buildpacks-example Type:repository] map[Action:pull Class: Name:heroku/pack Type:repository]]]
error while running runtime: exit status 246
ERRO exit status 246                              
container ID must be specified
ERRO exit status 125                                                         

As the logs points out I am missing the authorization to pull/push to the remote that I have set up and is publicly accessible.

I am providing a token as the access credential and it is available in the build container as a file mounted at /home/heroku/.docker/config.json which is readable by the user running the creator process.

The configuration looks like this with the base64 encoded "$user:$password" value.

    "auths": {
        "": {
            "auth": "REDACTED"

The exporting command specification is described here and the authentication for registries.

How can I debug the exporting process without having to package my own image with a custom lifecycle implementation?

I have tested usage of my credentials as follows on another image repository and authentication is working as the docker registry expects.

$ skopeo copy docker:// docker:// --debug --authfile .docker/config.json 
DEBU[0000] Returning credentials from .docker/config.json 
DEBU[0000] Using registries.d directory /etc/containers/registries.d for sigstore configuration 
DEBU[0000]  No signature storage configuration found for, using built-in default file:///home/edoput/.local/share/containers/sigstore 
DEBU[0000] Looking for TLS certificates and private keys in /etc/docker/certs.d/ 
DEBU[0000] Loading registries configuration "/home/edoput/.config/containers/registries.conf" 
DEBU[0000] Trying to access "" 
DEBU[0000] Trying to access "" 
DEBU[0000] Returning credentials from .docker/config.json 
DEBU[0000] Using registries.d directory /etc/containers/registries.d for sigstore configuration 
DEBU[0000]  No signature storage configuration found for, using built-in default file:///home/edoput/.local/share/containers/sigstore 
DEBU[0000] Looking for TLS certificates and private keys in /etc/docker/certs.d/ 
DEBU[0000] GET         
DEBU[0000] Ping status 401 
DEBU[0000] GET 
DEBU[0001] GET 
DEBU[0001] Content-Type from manifest GET is "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" 
DEBU[0001] Using blob info cache at /home/edoput/.local/share/containers/cache/blob-info-cache-v1.boltdb 
DEBU[0001] IsRunningImageAllowed for image 
DEBU[0001]  Using default policy section                
DEBU[0001]  Requirement 0: allowed                      
DEBU[0001] Overall: allowed                             
Getting image source signatures
DEBU[0001] Reading /home/edoput/.local/share/containers/sigstore/heroku/buildpacks@sha256=e30ff30cbabe53acd6e55fb43e831dd0274b318247d681215ec24bf341241ef7/signature-1 
DEBU[0001] Manifest has MIME type application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, ordered candidate list [application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+prettyjws, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json] 
DEBU[0001] ... will first try using the original manifest unmodified 
DEBU[0001] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:9c080d283a816b19233adfe7339c4666d4ad207cc1d88b6523d233c73dfb0240 
DEBU[0001] GET         
DEBU[0001] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:889a7173dcfeb409f9d88054a97ab2445f5a799a823f719a5573365ee3662b6f 
DEBU[0001] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:d839a7ccb751206cf9d53204ad13da59c9a271f3bb725b632d38b938d97ea961 
DEBU[0001] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:4bbfd2c87b7524455f144a03bf387c88b6d4200e5e0df9139a9d5e79110f89ca 
DEBU[0001] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:d2e110be24e168b42c1a2ddbc4a476a217b73cccdba69cdcb212b812a88f5726 
DEBU[0001] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:1fb371fdf5afa4bc49d73dc64613efa9276525cbb8f95cbfbe94815726089124 
DEBU[0002] Ping status 401 
DEBU[0002] GET 
DEBU[0002] GET 
DEBU[0002] GET 
DEBU[0002] GET 
DEBU[0002] GET 
DEBU[0002] GET 
DEBU[0002] HEAD 
DEBU[0002] HEAD 
DEBU[0002] HEAD 
DEBU[0002] HEAD 
DEBU[0002] HEAD 
DEBU[0002] HEAD 
DEBU[0003] ... already exists                           
DEBU[0003] ... already exists                           
DEBU[0003] Skipping blob sha256:d2e110be24e168b42c1a2ddbc4a476a217b73cccdba69cdcb212b812a88f5726 (already present): 
Copying blob d2e110be24e1 skipped: already exists  
DEBU[0003] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:5da6b0533d17399a58d377f0eaf0e6d6ecd24d0d3a222b483f45fb1cc612774b 
DEBU[0003] HEAD 
Copying blob d2e110be24e1 skipped: already exists  
DEBU[0003] HEAD 
DEBU[0003] ... already exists                           
DEBU[0003] ... already exists                           
DEBU[0003] Skipping blob sha256:1fb371fdf5afa4bc49d73dc64613efa9276525cbb8f95cbfbe94815726089124 (already present): 
Copying blob d2e110be24e1 skipped: already exists  
DEBU[0005] HEAD 
Copying blob d2e110be24e1 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 4f4fb700ef54 [--------------------------------------] 0.0b / 0.0b
DEBU[0006] Downloading /v2/heroku/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:1b0fecc52ded060857a931d07ec4e5b629cd6ce293d981846093cebacfe159d6 
DEBU[0006] GET 
DEBU[0007] No compression detected                      
DEBU[0007] Using original blob without modification     
DEBU[0007] Checking /v2/edoput/buildpacks/blobs/sha256:1b0fecc52ded060857a931d07ec4e5b629cd6ce293d981846093cebacfe159d6 
DEBU[0007] HEAD 
Copying config 1b0fecc52d [--------------------------------------] 0.0b / 15.7KiB
DEBU[0007] ... already exists                           
Writing manifest to image destination
DEBU[0007] PUT 
Storing signatures

There are 1 best solutions below


You might try updating to in the config. Are you able to docker push to the remote using the same config.json?