How to test my forms in Zend Framework 1.8+?

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So I've set up testing in my ZF 1.9.5 application thanks to this tutorial, I am able to test my controllers, now I want to create a test for a form. However, I'm having the problem that PHPUnit can't find my form.

Fatal error: Class 'Default_Form_AccountProfile' not found

I'm extending PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase instead of Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase since it is not a controller. Is that the right thing to do? Here is my test:


class AccountProfileTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testPopulate()
        $form = new Default_Form_AccountProfile();
        $user = array(
            'firstName' => 'Joe',
            'lastName' => 'Schmoe'
        $this->assertEquals($form->getElement('firstName')->getValue(), 'Joe');
        $this->assertEquals($form->getElement('lastName')->getValue(), 'Schmoe');

What am I doing wrong? What would be the correct way to test a form in Zend Framework?


There are 2 best solutions below


The simplest solution to your problem is to 'require_once' the php file where your form is located at the beginning of this file (or before calling new Default_Form...).

BTW, is there a specific reason why are you testing the default behavior of the Zend_Form? Tests for Zend_Form are already written and you can get them if you download the full version of ZF. If the form you are using has it's own, specific methods, or is overwriting some of the Zend_Forms methods than it makes sense to test those.


If you look in your application.ini, look at the line stating "appnamespace" that defaults to "Application" if you're using Zend_Tool to create your Zend Framework skeleton.

In order to prevent this error to occur, you either change this setting to "Default" or you rename all Default_* classes to Application_* (in this particular case it would mean you rename "Default_Form_AccountProfile" into "Application_Form_AccountProfile").