How to track memory leak in JNI with Android Studio Profiler or others

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I want to know how to track memory leaks in JNI with Android Profiler. I have an app using NDK and it has memory leaks in JNI. I checked it in Profiler.

FACE_ENGINE_METHOD(nativeExtractLiveFeature)(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance,
        jobject bmp, jint left, jint top, jint right, jint bottom,
        jfloatArray landmarksX, jfloatArray landmarksY, jfloatArray features)
    cv::Mat matBGR;
    ConvertBitmap2Mat(env, bmp, matBGR);
    if( matBGR.empty() || matBGR.cols == 0 || matBGR.rows == 0)
        return 0.0f;

    LOG_DEBUG("Frame Size = (%d, %d)", matBGR.cols, matBGR.rows);
    LOG_DEBUG("Face Rect = (%d, %d, %d, %d)", left, top, right, bottom);

    cv::Rect rtFace;
    rtFace.x = max(0, left);
    rtFace.y = max(0, top);
    rtFace.width = min(matBGR.cols, right) - rtFace.x;
    rtFace.height = min(matBGR.rows, bottom) - rtFace.y;

    Live *pLive = Live::getInstance();
    float confidence = pLive->Detect(matBGR, rtFace);

    LOG_DEBUG("Face Live Conf = %f", confidence);

    float posLMX[5];
    float posLMY[5];
    jfloat* tmpLandX = env->GetFloatArrayElements(landmarksX, NULL);
    jfloat* tmpLandY = env->GetFloatArrayElements(landmarksY, NULL);
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
        posLMX[i] = tmpLandX[i];
        posLMY[i] = tmpLandY[i];
        LOG_DEBUG("Landmark (x, y) = (%.2f, %.2f)", posLMX[i], posLMY[i]);

    float feat[128];
    FaceFeature *pFF = FaceFeature::getInstance();

    pFF->GetFeatures(matBGR, posLMX, posLMY, feat);

    LOG_DEBUG("It was finished to extract the feature");


    env->SetFloatArrayRegion(features, 0, 128, (jfloat*)feat);

    env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(landmarksX, tmpLandX, 0);
    env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(landmarksY, tmpLandY, 0);

    return confidence;

The app calls this JNI function repeatly and it causes memory leaks. I need to find solution with android Profiler.


There are 1 best solutions below


Using the Native Memory Allocations feature in the Android Studio Profiler you can use the callstack "visualization" of the allocations and see if you are allocating multiple instances.