How To Update Dropdownlist With Ajax Request in yii framework?

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I have 2 dropDownList First dropDownList is Hour Second dropDownList is Minute dependent on Hour

example if Hour box selected 8 Minute box have 30 - 60 if Hour box selected 13 Minute Box have 00 - 60

I used ajax request but not work.

the code is show below



<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('bootstrap.widgets.TbActiveForm', array(
)); ?>

    <div class="row">

        echo $form->dropDownList( $model, 'C_time',$this->HH(), array( 'empty' => 'Select Hour ',
                'ajax' => array(
                    'data'=>array('hour' => 'js:this.value'),
        echo CHtml::dropDownList('Minute','', array('empty'=>'Select Minute'));

<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>


public function actionIndex()    {
    $model = new Customers();        

public function HH()
    $r_model = new Restaurant();
    $par1 = 'HOUR';
    $par2 = 'R_open';
    $open = $r_model->getTime($par1,$par2);
    $par2 = 'R_close';
    $close = $r_model->getTime($par1,$par2);
    $rs = array();
    for ($i = $open; $i < $close; $i++){
        $rs[$i] = $i;
    return $rs;

public function actionMM()
    if(isset($_POST['hour']) && $_POST['hour']!=''){
        $r_model = new Restaurant();
        $start = '00';
        $end = '60';
        if($hour == $r_model->getTime('HOUR','R_open')){
            $par1 = 'MINUTE';
            $par2 = 'R_open';
            $open = $r_model->getTime($par1,$par2);
            $start = $open;
        elseif($hour == $r_model->getTime('HOUR','R_close')){
            $par1 = 'MINUTE';
            $par2 = 'R_close';
            $close = $r_model->getTime($par1,$par2);
            $end = $close;
        $rs = array();
        for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++){
            $rs[$i] = $i;
        echo CHtml::tag('option',array('value' => ''),
            CHtml::encode('Select User Type'),true);
        foreach($rs as $id)
            echo CHtml::tag('option',
                array('value' => $id),CHtml::encode($id),true);

There are 1 best solutions below


you don't need ajax for that!

first initial first dropdown with all options, then second dropdown(minutes) with empty options,

then depending on the first dropdown, fill the second, like:

<div class="row">
    echo $form->dropDownList( 
             $model, 'C_time',$this->HH(), array( 'empty' => 'Select Hour ',
             'id' => 'drpHour', // give it an id so we can select it
    echo CHtml::dropDownList('Minute','', $data , array('empty'=>'Select Minute', 'id' => 'drpMinute'));

       $('#drpHour').change(function(){ // depending on your logic, fill the second drop down
             if($('#drpHour').val() > 13){
                  $('#drpMinute').append('<option value="30" >30</option>');// and fill the rest
             else{ ... }

