I'm currently building an application which need to access to a device through the MTP stack.
I'm developping the code in c++ and Qt to easily be able to port the code on different platform.
I have based the Ui on TreeView to display the folder and ListView to display the list of files of the selected folder.
Most of example are using :
All these models are based on model which accessing to the local HD but in my case, I need to do it through list of folders/files using MTP Api. The backend is working, I mean accessing to the device is ok but I'm still thinkin on how to display the tree of folder and create a model.
Please, refer to the Qt Model/View tutorial and Model/View programming.
In general you shall create new model and in the bare minimum override a couple of pure virtual functions. Since it's a Tree structure, you should subclass QAbstractItemModel.