How to use Caliburn Micro Event Aggregator in a ViewModel in WPF

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In my UserControl, I'm using a ListCollectionView which contains three parameters. Two of them uses personnalized RichTextBox for parsing HTML. On this control there is two buttons for next/previous item in the collection.

I'm trying to use an Event Aggregator in my ViewModel for two operations:

  1. For the current item, I need to write a parameter in a xml file
  2. For the current item, I need to reinitialize the htmlformatter for the two RichTextBox

The first operation:

    public PopViewModel()
        AlertData.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => AlertCollectionView.Refresh();
        AlertCollectionView = new ListCollectionView(AlertData);


    public void PreviousRecordExecute()

    public void NextRecordExecute()

    private Alert CurrentAlert
        get { return AlertCollectionView.CurrentItem as Alert; }

    public void MarkPopAlertAsRead(FeedItem CurrentAlert)
        XElement doc = XElement.Load(diary);
        XElement elementToChange=doc.Descendants("Alert")

MarkPopAlertAsRead is the method I need to associate with Event Aggregator.

The second operation:

public partial class PopupView : UserControl
    public PopupView()
        this.AlertTitleRichTextBox.TextFormatter = new HtmlFormatter();
        this.AlertTxtRichTextBox.TextFormatter = new HtmlFormatter();

With this code, If I changed the current item, this two parameters disapear from the screen, so I need to reload Textformatter.

And the view:

<uc:RichTextBox Margin="29,86,31,301" x:Name="AlertTitleRichTextBox" Text="{Binding AlertCollectionView/AlertTitle, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" BorderThickness="0" Background="{x:Null}"/>
    <TextBox Margin="257,378,10,12" Text="{Binding AlertCollectionView/AlertStartDate, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" BorderThickness="0" Background="{x:Null}"/>
    <uc:RichTextBox Margin="10,113,10,48" x:Name="AlertTxtRichTextBox" Text="{Binding AlertCollectionView/AlertText, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" BorderThickness="0" Background="{x:Null}"/>

My wish is to execute theses two operation, when the collection changed(by click on next/previous button). I need some help for implementation, because Caliburn Micro documentation doesn't help me.


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