How to use cereal to serialize enum types with magic_enum?

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I tried to use magic_enum with cereal to serialize a enum type. Here is my code, and it's worked on serialize but got an error with deserialize.

template <class Archive,
        = cereal::traits::sfinae, class T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<T>, std::string> save_minimal( Archive &, const T& h )
    return std::string(magic_enum::enum_name(h));

template <class Archive,
        = cereal::traits::sfinae, class T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<T>, void> load_minimal( Archive const &, T& enumType, std::string const& str)
    enumType = magic_enum::enum_cast<T>(str).value();

enum class Color {RED, BLUE, YELLOW};

int main()
    Color c = Color::RED;
    std::ifstream is("c.json");
    cereal::JSONOutputArchive outAr(os);


    "c": "RED"

but when I tried to deserialize the c.json file, I got an error: error

here is the callstack:

cerealtest.exe!rapidjson::GenericValue<rapidjson::UTF8<char>,rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CrtAllocator>>::GetInt() Line 1744   C++

cerealtest.exe!cereal::JSONInputArchive::loadValue<int,0>(int & val) Line 700   C++

cerealtest.exe!cereal::load<int,0>(cereal::JSONInputArchive & ar, int & t) Line 1115    C++
cerealtest.exe!cereal::InputArchive<cereal::JSONInputArchive,0>::processImpl<int,0>(int & t) Line 942   C++
cerealtest.exe!cereal::InputArchive<cereal::JSONInputArchive,0>::process<int &>(int & head) Line 854    C++
cerealtest.exe!cereal::InputArchive<cereal::JSONInputArchive,0>::processImpl<enum Color,0>(Color & t) Line 963  C++

here is my code to deserialize c.json.

int main()
    Color c;
    std::ifstream is("c.json");
    cereal::JSONInputArchive in(is);

this post is exaltly what I wanted. But I don't know why the deserialize function din't work.


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