How to use clojure.edn/read to get a sequence of objects in a file?

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Clojure 1.5 introduced clojure.edn, which includes a read function that requires a PushbackReader.

If I want to read the first five objects, I can do:

(with-open [infile ( ( "foo.txt"))]
  (binding [*in* infile]
    (let [edn-seq (repeatedly clojure.edn/read)]
      (dorun (take 5 (map println edn-seq))))))

How can I instead print out all of the objects? Considering that some of them may be nils, it seems like I need to check for the EOF, or something similar. I want to have a sequence of objects similar to what I would get from line-seq.


There are 2 best solutions below


Use :eof key

opts is a map that can include the following keys: :eof - value to return on end-of-file. When not supplied, eof throws an exception.

edit: sorry, that wasn't enough detail! here y'go:

(with-open [in ( ( "foo.txt"))]
  (let [edn-seq (repeatedly (partial edn/read {:eof :theend} in))]
    (dorun (map println (take-while (partial not= :theend) edn-seq)))))

that should do it


I looked at this again. Here is what I came up with:

(defn edn-seq
  "Returns the objects from stream as a lazy sequence."
     (edn-seq *in*))
     (edn-seq {} stream))
  ([opts stream]
     (lazy-seq (cons (clojure.edn/read opts stream) (edn-seq opts stream)))))

(defn swallow-eof
  "Ignore an EOF exception raised when consuming seq."
  (-> (try
        (cons (first seq) (swallow-eof (rest seq)))
        (catch java.lang.RuntimeException e
          (when-not (= (.getMessage e) "EOF while reading")
            (throw e))))

(with-open [stream ( ( "foo.txt"))]
  (dorun (map println (swallow-eof (edn-seq stream)))))

edn-seq has the same signature as clojure.edn/read, and preserves all of the existing behavior, which I think is important given that people may use the :eof option in different ways. A separate function to contain the EOF exception seemed like a better choice, though I'm not sure how best to capture it since it shows up just as a java.lang.RuntimeException.