How to use GHC MultiParamTypeClass

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I am trying to implement a "DrawEnv" type class indexed by a point type:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

class Monad m => DrawEnv p m where
    box     :: p -> p -> m ()
    clear   :: m ()
    line    :: p -> p -> m ()

type Pos = (Float,Float)

instance DrawEnv Pos IO where
    box     p0 p1   = putStrLn $ "Box " ++ show p0 ++ " " ++ show p1
    clear           = putStrLn "Clear"
    line    p0 p1   = putStrLn $ "Line " ++ show p0 ++ " " ++ show p1

draw :: DrawEnv Pos m => m ()
draw = do
    box  (10.0,10.0) (100.0,100.0)
    line (10.0,10.0) (100.0,50.0)

However GHC isn't happy:

Could not deduce (DrawEnv (t0, t1) m) arising from a use of `box'
from the context (DrawEnv Pos m)
  bound by the type signature for draw :: DrawEnv Pos m => m ()
  at Code/Interfaces3.hs:63:9-29
The type variables `t0', `t1' are ambiguous
Relevant bindings include
  draw :: m () (bound at Code/Interfaces3.hs:64:1)
Note: there is a potential instance available:
  instance DrawEnv Pos IO -- Defined at Code/Interfaces3.hs:56:10
In a stmt of a 'do' block: box (10.0, 10.0) (100.0, 100.0)
In the expression:
  do { clear;
       box (10.0, 10.0) (100.0, 100.0);
       line (10.0, 10.0) (100.0, 50.0) }
In an equation for `draw':
      = do { clear;
             box (10.0, 10.0) (100.0, 100.0);
             line (10.0, 10.0) (100.0, 50.0) }

My question is why GHC doesn't accept this given the Pos constraint?


There are 2 best solutions below


This class definition won't work, because the type of clear doesn't mention the type variable p, so it is impossible to instantiate clear with a concrete type. Adding type signatures to box or line won't help - even clear :: IO () will produce a type error.

This could be fixed by adding a function dependency to your class:

class Monad m => DrawEnv p m | m -> p where

Then the rest of your code compiles. Alternatively, you could split your class into two classes:

class Monad m => MonadDraw m where 
  putStringLn :: String -> m () 

  clear   :: m ()
  clear = putStringLn "Clear"

class DrawEnv p where
  box     :: MonadDraw m => p -> p -> m ()
  line    :: MonadDraw m => p -> p -> m ()

instance (Fractional a, Show a, Fractional b, Show b) => DrawEnv (a,b) where
    box     p0 p1   = putStringLn $ "Box " ++ show p0 ++ " " ++ show p1
    line    p0 p1   = putStringLn $ "Line " ++ show p0 ++ " " ++ show p1

draw :: MonadDraw m => m () 
draw = do
    box  (10.0,10.0) (100.0,100.0)
    line (10.0,10.0) (100.0,50.0)

The code is ambiguous. Specifically we don't know the type of (10.0,10.0). For example it could be (Double,Double). It's most general type is (Fractional a,Fractional b) => (a,b).

The solution to this is to write

box  ((10.0,10.0) :: Pos) ((100.0,100.0)::Pos)

instead and fix the other lines similarly.