I am trying to use MapView with singleton approach.
Here I create MapView once and does its mapViewSingletonInstance.onCreate(savedInstance) only one time. After this I try to use it doing anotherMapViewObject.addView(mapViewSingletonInstance)
But this only works one time. After adding to one mapView with anotherMapView it does not work.
public class GoogleMapSingleton{
private static GoogleMapSingleton googleMapSingleton;
private static MapView singletonMapView;
private GoogleMapSingleton()
public static GoogleMapSingleton GoogleMapSingletonInstance(Bundle savedInstanceState, Context context)
if(googleMapSingleton == null){
singletonMapView = new MapView(context);
LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
googleMapSingleton = new GoogleMapSingleton();
return googleMapSingleton;
* @return the singletonMapView
public MapView getSingletonMapView() {
return singletonMapView;